1: ran from pigs (cops) 2: did a superman jump off a cliff 3: trashed a lab top ,video: http://youtube.com/watch?v=hcVF6WOrDrw 4: getting trashed and a guess i went over to the neighborers and said "can i have some ssugar?" or something like that, i heard the storys 5: lighting a firework in my room (suprising that nothing caught on fire) 6 idk there more
i think you should read some tutorials at like tech-gfx.net or something because your sigs are just a render with a background with some text tutorials will teach about some tools with Photosop your sigs will be 10 times better -Legacy
i am active for more than 2 hrs a day lol but i think we could try this you are warned for spamming, dont do it again sorry i editted my post but after i posted i noticed 2 more replys so i didnt think it would be seen
k but no spamming our advertisings is when make mod or something we say "this was made by Xx Legacy xX of iBotModz.net," and stuff like that dont spam and i will make one soon later tonight probably, spamming gets sites really bad reps trust me we had one member spam another site and we got like spam bombed lol oh and heres one i found http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/5e91237361.png i will amke a better own, i just found that when i searched up ibotmodz on google images Edit: i am active for more than 2 hrs a day lol but i think we could try this you are warned for spamming, dont do it again
You have put alot of thought into this and i like it but i think if we did do this we would do it at 3000 members i really like it though, its just we dont want to many staff and what not but it would help new members btw if anyone says Eli doesn't deserve this because he has 50 some odd posts dont even bother, eli has already contributed more to ibotmodz than some vip members, personally i think eli deserves vip but thats my opinion -Legacy, keep on staying active eli Edit: wtf are you talking about?
agreed. i hope he can walk again. you haft to be careful of these thing though, a kid a couple weeks ago was flying a kite and a powerline, he didnt make it though. But hopes for the best, -Legacy
Yes its a gift for the one and only ibotpeaches!! YAY remember this is my first vector CnC (what does CnC stand for? i know it means leave comments and crap but what does it stand for?) oh if your wondring why i made the red brush transparent it was standing out to much -Legacy PEACHES RULES
i like it, but i hate how you stole my name rofl change it but i ahte when ppl call you legacy lol (big killer joe) it annoys me i guess i am gonna change my name to ibotpeaches v2
I will pare up with someone, but not dice because we need to even out the teams *lol its not cause i hate you, i <3 u ) lol so maybe me and smokie so its kinda even and smokie your awesome at gfx that pic you made for the old ibotmodz was awesome !!