So this is how it work you can only ban the person above you. No personal attacks just something funny and random. (for any one stupid the person Dosent really get banned) Sence there's no ones above me I can't start.
Ok so I wanted to make my self some custom speaker tags from the Astro website but everytime I made something it looked like total crap. So Somone make some nice one and take screen caps to give me some ideas and if I go with yours I will give you $10 via paypal as a gift. So get creative.
We don't have coders apart form peaches left and to make a program we have to have people contribute reacsearch which no one does. As for the contest I'm down I would donate prizes.
So we all agree a h2 remake. New campin same cartoonish graphs but with extra detail and leave everything else the supper jumping mods and this game will last years introduce filshare forge 3.0(spawn trees and shit) theatre basically combine the h2 gamestyle with some of h3 improvements and no halo reach shit.
I have an idea change the domain name to ibotpornz well get more views and hopefully more members or better you just make it a porn website with a VIP section for all old and new members which is about modding lol. Just throwing some ideas around.
Wow that sucks I get about 5\6mb during the peak hours but my bill is $127(£80) a month so yah lol I'm pretty sure the smaller ISP could provide better service then ur currently receiving.
All them up say ur leaving them and they will do you a nice deal to stay. Trust me I got my ISP to pay for my whole package for 3 months (tv Internet and phone) by saying I wasn't happy with the constant connection drops. My friend got upgraded from 20mb to 50mb connection for free for lifetime because he was receiving shitty connection on a daily basis.
^^its deffo not worth 100k^^ but I say you talk it over with twam as this is bungie last game even we find a way to mod this ient no halo2 or 3 reach is just not fun! And for the fact it should be the last halo I say either you merge the site with another or sell it to the higher bidder and buy your self something nice;) But yah it's going to be a sad day. Off topic exactly what does the tu do and why do bungie have to release one.
This has gone so out of topic lol But for argument sake liquid nitrogen would either freeze the chip and once it heats up will cause cracks or worse. Keeping a working pc in a fridge is a bad ideas as the air inside a fridge is very moist aka pc+ cold water= bad idea
Actually leaving the fridge door open would cause the fridge to work harder to produce the cooling there fore generating more heat nulling the advantage of leaving it open. How many?