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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. I thaught that was in your price range.
  2. Yo need to get a life. Not even joking srry but **** if you're bored go do drugs or play world of Warcraft.
  3. I have a really good idea for a generator defence map but just can't make it.
  4. I suck at the new forge but I wanna be a beta tester for the map.
  5. I suggest you try a diifrent version there have been many released for free and one paid one
  6. Hmm I shall look at the interwebz for you then. Edit:http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/675427-REG/Samsung_HW_C770B_HW_C770B_7_1_Channel_Home.html
  7. Headphones could be usefull during a movi and whare as the LAN thing goes I doubt you will ever have a 16 way Match and all the diffrent audio comming out through the same device will just be a bunch of explosions alll the time.
  8. What happens On a Sunday? And we don't have to make it execeve amount of cr maybe make it to what an a average game is 1-2k cr's
  9. I know the codes go for more then a regular copy of the game.
  10. Just wondering if anyone has tried iso modding firefight or camaign and edith how much cr is earnd for each kill or how many kills/headshots/multikills you need for a certern challange eg 1,000,000 headshots are needed to get a gold In firefight headshot challange thing if we edit it downd to maybe 10,000 or even somehow trick the game to think your playing online match making when your playing on klink with a bunch of jtags which have set it to like 100crs per kill. So far i know there's a 150k limit per day of cr's someone can earn without a matchamaking perma ban+Account reset. Anyone tried anything else?
  11. Maybe you could add the profile thing added by teddyrock
  12. Goto eBay sell your code with the money you make buy the flamming effect.
  13. Why not just buy some astros that's what I rock there 7.2(not many games play audio that high but they work perfect with 5.1) you can use then on almost anything I suggest you look around in local stores I managed to get a new 5.1 system for £30 just because the store was getting rid of old stock. I'll most some pics of it once I get my pc up and running and and my mix amp back.
  14. This will work but it kinda crap because you have to sign into the second account every time.
  15. Were u playin with bks
  16. Ur all so mean. But seriously all the bonus dlc was console and profile signd no way around it.
  17. 850g in Reach
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. jmdalmighty


      I've done it many times but it just dosent unlock the acchivment.
    3. Lockon


      You have to cancel sprint
    4. jmdalmighty
  18. That looks smexy
  19. Rouge modder
  20. Solo+legendry campign= **** impossable
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jmdalmighty


      On last mission half way through on legendry solo

      this game is just epic they need to make halo4 just to End the story line

    3. REDSTAR 105

      REDSTAR 105

      played the first one lazt night, ******* jorge didnt help me when it wasnt me and him. :(((((((((((
    4. jmdalmighty


      Lol I finished yesterday
  21. [user]jmdalmighty[/user] [posts]989[/posts] [rep]105[/rep] [groupid]1337[/groupid] î‰îŒ·
  22. What do the likes do ?
  23. Maybe put min rep of 20 back on poma as that's what they all come for.
  24. Lol Gotta love the leaches
  25. Add me then.
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