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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. Yup! I wish they reset the perm banned ones though.
  2. That's what she said.
  3. I'm 99% sure the sensors are only located on the xcalmp area. I believe there under the gpu and CPU when you replace them with new heatsinks you should be good. Also I recommend you go with a japer unit just To make sure you don't get any odd red rings.
  4. Tell me what parts and I will measure them out for you or I can just link you to a tut on how to make the laptop. Ps you can only extend each wire,componenten a max of 6 inches.
  5. I guess you could fet some pcb wire LEDs I'n the order you want them and then solder to the first two points. But that will be on if there's a Ethernet cable and xbox is powred on. Whare as the second two points the led flashed everytime the xbox sends or receives info from live.
  6. Can't wait untill the csf are running at the level they were on psp then let's see them ban shit.
  7. I play everyday add me(Jmd almighty) im a 31 now I'n 3v3 is soo annoying that they keep resetting the ******* ranks I was 214 I'n the world for solo 2v2 never lost a game and they reset it!!! RAGE!!!
  8. You all suck balls none of you show of halo wars.
  9. I love the commando, as soon as i reach 44 I use it until I persetege.
  10. Hi
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Slidell


      **** you in the face **** shit **** **** ******* **** shit bitch ass cornholing **** shit asshat in a burrito.
    3. jmdalmighty
    4. Slidell
  11. My penis>quinns comp
  12. I havnt done that exact experiment before but we did fermintate alcohol(make alcohol) in chemistry. From my experience they yeast will continue to grow until a "X" amount of carbon dioxide is produced until it denatures the yeast, but be worned if you do the experiment do it in a well venlated area because it stinks like SHIT!!!!!! Also it needs alot of direct sunlight hope that helps.
  13. Brokeback mountain?
  14. Why would they sue/take any action against you. More importantly Sony is taking this too far!!!
  15. how much profit do you make?
  16. This is bullshit I watched the video and I don't own a ps3 they have no right to my ip/deatils.
  17. Coding rapid fire chips :0
  18. Use a sightly smaller and after a few turns it will break the pin then you can use one which is big enough to open in.
  19. You can use a regular flat head.
  20. Have you got a basement? Do you have house insurance if not time to get that shit.
  21. Underground bunker ftw.
  22. Lock your house,hid Yo kids cause shits about to get real. In all seriousness stay safe bro.
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