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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. Thanks for the cash dan time to get me a cheap bj.
  2. No it means you give me £10 to take it off your hands
  3. How about -£10?
  4. It's true 50 was a bitch on a first account
  5. ^so people don't boost or find a unreleased way of way boosting therefore reaching the max rank over night think about it if I chalange reset and there's no cap I can be inheator in less than 30min
  6. Btw dan the links arnt the same it said something of getting 10 people to enter with your link. Here's my link anaway http://l33t.razerzone.com/index.php?user_dtl=a3a394893776d0b9fd6890f7900201b4
  7. It's old but you still should have included pics.
  8. I enTered good luck everyone
  9. jmdalmighty

    sad day

    If it does come down to it merge the site plz don't just shut it down or whatever completly.
  10. As the title states there's some sort of dlc comming soon which adds 250gammerscore to be earnd want proof go to b.net they have a video of hoto install the game to your hardrive lol but in the video they goo through the acchivments and that player has 1250gammerscore so yah.
  11. ^exactly and the arena thing is stupid it dosent show up on your profile service record. In my openion anyone who is a mojour or higher right now has boosted and farmed cr's. Let me explain one more time do will in a game max cr you will get is 900 play one game of score attack you get 1.5k but that shit is boring I can't stand playing it seriously 3-5 of score attack and I just turn off my xbox reach deffines skill and rank by time and not skill as it alwas did. So in other words the just ****** up.
  12. What update? He has no choice.
  13. ok, first thing ill like to say is, I did not find this nor am I Stealing credit for it. I am posting this as the person who actually did find it (Vonkova), Is a good friend of mine. He had asked me to post it on here for him since he didnt have an acc. ok, this is a tutorial on how to use the blue flaming effect. This is done VIA RTH for Reach. pay close attention as it can get confusing First step is to DL my Effe plugin i made just for this, Dl link : Effe Plugin Download, Enjoy ok, now once u have that plugin, open up asencion, and open up forgeworld as thats the map i know of by heart now go to Tag Editor, Then go to the Effe Tag and look for the tag named (10119) that is the player Effect tags for armor effects. (Ill list all the tags for each map referring to the armor effect at the end of this tutorial for you all) now to get started. once u opened that tag (10119) in Effe, ull see a box with 2 sets of numbers. Picture Instructions: I hope you all understood this and Have fun with Bungies Flame that we all have been wanting. All i ask in return is that, No one take credit for this as it was none of you people who found it, I know at least one of you are bound to take my tutorial and go post happy on other site to gain more rep but just dont steal my credit for my findings. Thanx. and again Enjoy Each Chunk Representing: Chunk 0= Original flaming. Chunk 1= Blue flaming. Chunk 2= Heart Effect. Chunk 3= that Poison cloud looking thing. Chunk 4-Grunts BirthDay Party. Chunk 5= inclement weather. Each Armor Effect tag for each Map: Forgeworld- 10119 Sword Base- 7963 PowerHouse- 8690 Spire- 9305 Zealot- 6911 Countdown- 7519 Board walk- 8349 Reflection- 7440 Boneyard- 9491 End results : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB980QNOh0c thats me and surbo, both using it on out custom map and here is a video of me combining all aror effects. Even making flaming sholders http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUaFcpE8KRk Credits for this find: Billvonkova AkA- Itz MEh Lol, AKA- MEEEEEEE lol Surbo-AkA Jaime for helping me test it and to make sure its correct, and being there so i wasnt alone HAHAHAAHA.
  14. I don't have an iPhone 4 but just simply connect to iTunes and restore don't worry about your jailbreak apprently there's a new jailbreak comming out next week.
  15. ^glad someone sees my point of view Let's see in cod if I have half of the overall score I will be given the amount of exp that I deserve because I did well halo if I have half my teams score I will only recive 600-900crs so no matter how well you play only way of ranking up is by boosting and playing alot more than you should have too.
  16. Thats the point skill no longer determines rank but time does which is just a mad idea in my openion like seriously 20+kills every game of team slayer less than 900crs a game WTF then there the whole grunt firefight crap 1game =1.5-3k cr's WTF no life=high rank skill=nothing
  17. Yes forge is all good but I could create some serious stuff in halo 3 but now it's just complacted.
  18. Anyone else bored of the game or is it just me. It's inpossable to rank up unless you boost and only play firefight skill means nothing in that's game. There's no f ucking playlist the chalanges suck and don't pay out enough there's a bunch of armour that u can see but not buy forge is to complated. It's just to early it's been less than a month and I want to give the game up.
  19. I'll be doing it as well though.
  20. Will ints not like it's a paid tool so what do you to lose?
  21. What do you expt there's nothing wrong with it and you gotta admit it was funny. Btw you should add a profile crown editor know that a few free ones have been released and there was a hex editing tut released.
  22. I applied a while ago but didn't get approved.
  23. Will add me then u scrub.
  24. Inv me whn you start testing.
  25. Just look for that particular set on eBay or local stores i'm sure you'll find it $50-100 less if you look about.
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