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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. They game can't be fixed name one thing you can do to make it more fun?
  2. Nop give u a clue will smith is I'n it.
  3. Just watched the movie again so here's mine quite easy but: "shit just got real"
  4. You guys should do it looks very nice btw m$ originally planned to do it but decided not to they saved like $0.03 per xbox So $99,000 saved pricks lol
  5. Alright just trying to get my last few tuts out before me exams start All credit goes to RBHTech over at XS here's the link to his tut:http://www.rbjtech.n...et/Ethernet.htm Items needed: Soldering iron & a little solder 2X different LEDs I suggest 3mm About 20cm of kyner wire Start of by taking your xbox apart and look directly behind the Ethernet port. Points . 2 3 4 Are the ones you will solder to. http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/99014565.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/6f70cdb6.jpg First point is + point 2 is - http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/2fcd68ff.jpg Point 3 is + point 4 is - Put the Ethernet cable In and give it a quick test http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/ae2485be.jpg Final product: http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/e3bcc52a.jpg on my second attempt I put it on the faceplate like RBHTech and it looked much better
  6. I already posted this u homo
  7. 1336 so close
  8. I'll think about it.
  9. I think there just trying to scare people but yah this isnt going anyware.
  10. Welcome back
  11. Sony is suing geohot and failoverfl0w
  12. 1337 HaXs R us
  13. Time to invest in a ps3
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jmdalmighty


      ? I don't understand
    3. gruntmods


      ps3= destined for the landfill
    4. jmdalmighty


      But didnt they promise a 10year contract time?
  14. Elpson owns ur comp dawg.
  15. You Should make a back up or sumthing.
  16. So heres a video shows you exactly what's up a bit boring at the start but gets better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcbaeKA2moE&feature=youtube_gdata_player http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VidsW7UhttQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  17. What is the decision though?
  18. It's close to the end,move to the ps3 modding scene that's just getting started
  19. Banned foe thinking your peace of plastic is better than mine.
  20. No modding died when "work" and research was kept private and then sold to make money. And it's not just this site all modding sites are going to go down because no one share or contributes. The good old days are just that old it's been a downhill sence jtags went public. There were highs but those just lead to greed.
  21. Banned cause my iPhone does stupid shit like that sometimes.
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