What would you like pics of? The Xbox has been sold I'm working on a new better one right now tell me what you want a pic off and I'll upload it by the end of the day.
There will alwas be people who will try and make money of others work. Can't wait untill the 30 ping system link is patched the new dash launch is sexy.
First is a modded console(not flashed but can be). Btw there not just random LEDs on the console there Ethernet acvated. White= Ethernet cable plugged in red=will flash when enternet is being used. http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/e3bcc52a.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/16e89742.jpg Oreos not for sale Added ram heatsinks, thermal compound upgraded, x clamps still in place but can be removed. http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/d2571b66.jpg Also 12v fan mod has been done and the case fan is running of a Dedacted 12v source(not splicing into anything which causes problems) The 64mb official Microsoft card is for sale it has 2 ultra blue smds in place with a clear cut top all done by me. http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/b52dcf1c.jpg Will come with the explorer wire to connect to pc to mod ur saves. http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/03a0b85d.jpg Camera became a bit F ed up but I can re take on request Also have a real neon ring if anyone is Intrested http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/e57f7220.jpg
Ya I'm not arguing either but the problem is the xbox just can't manage it's power sufficiently that's why splicing into other power sources is a bad heres some quates. "I would not attempt to run anything off the 12V line on the DVD Drive. Even to tap into the wires is a strain on the DVD Drive. The reason why I made this post is because of a PM from a user that ran a CC from the DVD Drive power wire and now is having major troubles with his drive." The xbox just wasn't designed propply there quite a few deactivated ports on an xbox which they did so the xbox consumes less power therefore the xbox requires less and docent overheat. M$ made a bunch of changes last minute to save cash ie. The thermal compound was a decent one but they decided to save some money also there were going to be LEDs on the Ethernet port like a pc but again changed it to save cash.
What I'm saying is the original power source is 12v max the fan uses 12v when running at max now if you splice a secondary fan into the old power source your getting a second fan running at 12v making a tottal of 24v for a 12v power source you dont have to take my word for it there have been plenty of reported cases of rrod and bricked divices because people added fans off the DVD power or the origanal power source.
That's a bad idea as your 1: stealing power from the stock fans and 2:your requesting 24v form a 12v power source which will burn it out you should never be splicing into anything unless your adding a low consuming item ie LEDs.
Things needed: Soldering iron & wick(something to remove solder) 3 or 2 pin fan(12v) 3 pin headers First of all dissamble your xbox( this will void any warranty) so we will be soldering to point J7G1 this is right behind the rol board. This has it's own detected 12v power so your not stealing power form any other components, which causes rrod. http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/94074f30.jpg Remove the solder http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/545e22cc.jpg Now place down the pin header keep it in place and solder it in from underneath the mobo. http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/4dea42fb.jpg Ok after you have done that you have to activate the port as Microsoft didn't. So just simply bridge R7V7 togher. http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/937c271e.jpg You done just plug your fan in I installed my fan onto my case. http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/143006c1.jpg http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/b6b85247.jpg By Jmd almighty Preview of next tut Ethernet acttavated LEDs. http://i863.photobucket.com/albums/ab196/surkhab/ae2485be.jpg