Pc gaming is declining and you know it, it's cheaper to buy anxbox then it is to upgrade your pc, my friend spent more on a freckin pc case then how much a slim cost!!!
Ohh sorry I seen it on another site and they had the wrong person they one they gave credit was just sone random fag how mad a YouTube video about it. The person how found it was lord zedd about 4 months ago and he kept quit until like 5 weeks ago when he told 7sins pro who then started selling the codes until somehow it was jacked and leaked to 7s perineum. About a few hours thilo made a topic saying all the codes will lead to a ban....and that he had "safe codes" which he then sold(he reported the URL and he had already generated 57mil points) and yah about 12hrs later m$ took the link down.
None of yous missed anything all codes were flagged, anyone who didn't spend the points it will be deleted of there account and if Somone spent alot of it will recent a perm ban.