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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. random but still look ok
  2. omg that traler sucks big dick the game is gonna suck cause thre rushing it they should delay it about 3 years then make it more epic then over price it
  3. e3 is whare officail videos traliers are relised by compinies
  4. noo i wana do it but im banned wait a few more days ill be unbanned tomorow around 1pm
  5. from what i know is that it will have a more advance vorge system it will be 100% compadible with halo 3 files and any files made in new halo will be able to be read by halo3 no online and camign is not very long and for tht reason it will be aroun $30 new aww sorry thatught we were talking about odst and they changed the name again lol
  6. i have the fatty and i have had all the oter modles i think the fatty is the bes beacuse its very easy to mod it can do everything the other models can do its cheper and trouthly the others feel to glosy and fake/toys
  7. they do people like anthon makes the mod on dev and then signs it so it will work on you profile ony on retail
  8. so how do people play modded campign on retail
  9. jmdalmighty


    so as many know that treare are people that have a devkit and make modded campign files and resign them to work on ur consle so heres my question cant .maps me made on a dev and then somehow be risigned to work on a retail
  10. wow ur reterded its not edited in any way and i win
  11. ok ill be unbanned from my 360 on 3rd ill il finnish my screan shot by 5th what do u think of this screan shot (not modded or photo shop not edited at all ) get it its a pic of my screen lol i r mlg
  12. jmdalmighty

    Custom Themes!

    can some one who has a them give me an example of what it may look like
  13. are you allowed help
  14. is this to put coluor in it or just put words that ur not allowed
  15. rap it in blackets turn it on get some hair drayers and blast it with warm air and if u have a heat gun much better
  16. jmdalmighty

    Mafia II

    dude the first one was soo good i hope it meets the same standards
  17. the second one
  18. jmdalmighty


    chicken balls
  19. ill do you or thats what she said
  20. aww id join but im bannned until 3rd june
  21. i think rouge might know how to do it on retail
  22. wow this is amazing you rock
  23. nooooooo i want orignal any easy way expect hack aby call up ms support
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