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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. See now I've been modding for a while and that confused the he'll out of me
  2. So u can kill lax
  3. To the max!
  4. It's verry easy to make it I'm in my iPhone so I can't make it if you don't get a copy I'll have a look tmrw
  5. Just make it with a gametype editor
  6. I can help on Tuesday
  7. They died just before the end lol that's the only acchivment I have left hmm maybe jtag that bad boy?
  8. Omg now u can reach lvl 50 in halo and get reconz
  9. jmdalmighty


    Lol anima sounds like you had a good time
  10. Dj jambo disss
  11. You baught a new xbox just for that mr rich man
  12. Fine den mrs cranky pants
  13. Hold up I'll show you what I mean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bT8CCbKga_4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8enwq6oWek
  14. i am refering to the xbox 360 and was wanting to add pin headers so it save me time soldering to the mobo. ie like the 12v fan mod insted of soldering to the bord i can make quick connect pints on the mobo to allow to add and remove fans leds and such.
  15. **** all this shit I will be hosting a completely free looby for ibotmodz next week
  16. Dekote made a tut just look through this section or use the search opetion
  17. Bump need helps
  18. **** it has nothing to do with NAND or jtag I'm just wondering what type of there is a certern type of pin headers that work will with xbox I was wondering if a buy a 41 long header with single pins would that be ok and do you just cut it at the point you want it at ie let's say there is a 3 pin Hedder space on the mobo do you just cut it. And how do you attach it push them in and heat it up so the solder melts?
  19. **** joints that's ***** shit do some blunts see how sigh you get then and if you wanna save some money do some buckets
  20. Wow I love the first one and the trip mine looking one
  21. No I've got my NAND x you don't need pin header for it but I Want to buy some as I will be doing other mods on the 360 and will need power sources
  22. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/JMD%20ALMIGHTY/avatar-body.png
  23. So by the 2nd all my exams will be over and I won't to start work on my jtag but I want all the parts dilivred first I've baught everything for jtaging it(NAND-x) and the one thing I can't figure out is what type of pin headers fit on the mobo correctly so if anyone knows anything about pin headers it would be a great help
  24. Lolatleast he cares
  25. jmdalmighty


    Not in central London I think
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