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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. That's just upto luck now weither m$ will ban u for the account being on a jtag but the halo thing you shouldn't have a problem with. Maybe load up your profile on le fluffie and nullify ur ids.
  2. I sugest you do it your self as the campign system has changed so that more the players the harder it gets also there's an acchivment for completing campign on solo on legendry.
  3. M$ are banning all accounts that have been on a jtag but I'd you don't get profile banned then if you just load up the game on a ligit copy on a regular xbox and sign into live it will auto-delete most if not all if Cr and it will re-lock everything you have baught.
  4. Same I have to in pay as you go so if my mom wants to talk to me she calls me otherwise I gotta top up to call my friends
  5. Lol misread what u said goth just forget about the laptop stuff.
  6. ^ if you're that age and have a laptop of your own then your just spoilt and tbh children should have phones when there old enough not to lose or break them I got my first phone when I was 11 it was preaty cheap but still none the less a way a could communitcate with otheres. A year later I baught one from my own money for 5 times the price and now I'm rocking an iPhone 3gs which I baught my self last year
  7. Maybe it's because his username is "snipey" rather than what shows up on ur thingy "snipey50"
  8. I was joking obiously I know bungie created reach fuc K.......
  9. I enjoyed that but seriously infinety ward needs to fix splash damage of the wraith wat was up with the whole killing through a wall thing!
  10. It is downloadable but is console signd.
  11. That's just stupid let the creaters lelease as much free stuff as they want.
  12. Doubt it cod sold in the billion of $ every xbox owner has cod not everyone likes halo as it's not so noob frendly whare as cod is anyone can pick up and play cod that's whole Apeal of the cod tittle.
  13. No they don't a ps3 cost more and the better hardware the ps3 have is useless games are built for xbox then tweaked to work on ps3 therefore ps3 hardware is useless and will remain so as most companys have stated that it's to fiffuclt and tedious to code on and for a ps3 first xbox is much easer to code for etc....
  14. Rach will make atleast 200-300 million worldwide they would make more if they were a multiplatform company.
  15. How can it beat the apple store once it's jailbroken the posseblitys are endless but buy I suggest you only buy from the apple store there warenty is great thave replace my iPhone 2 times for free when my jailbreak went bad Nd the other time when I droped it and it would turn on but had no physical damage you won't be able to jailbreak straght away as there devices are updated when they acatavate for you maybe tell them you'll acatvate later because ur in a hurry.
  16. IphoiPhone is better and will alwas be better but go for an iPhone4 it's only like £100 more I suggest you save up for the iPhone 4 I've been using iPhone 3gs for 1year.
  17. ^ lol kiss ass
  18. The new dash will prevent jtas from switiching kvs
    1. REDSTAR 105
    2. jmdalmighty
    3. D.HeRo♥


      dude, a couple more months and the KV pool will be gone :D


  19. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1168536/Fathers-fury-discovers-ecstasy-pills-hidden-inside-Xbox-game-just-bought.html
  20. Looks fake and fan made none the less made me lol
  21. The reviwer version isn't the full game.
  22. You can't work at game u need to be 18
  23. No advertising lol Read the rules next time u post Read the rules next time u post
  24. Try going to a diffrent room and sleep ie your bedroom
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