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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. Don't worry peaches shit will take off soon and the site will be better then ever
  2. But Its just the regular copy of the game
  3. I'm a do the same
  4. Togepi ftw
  5. IlI'll buy just the forge right now like seriously if only for like 48hr for 100ms points I would be down
  6. I want the xbox s reach edition and all of that but it will be likeĀ£500 for all
  7. I just fell in love omg I want legendry I want new xbox I want it. Allllllllllll
  8. Let's say it legit 10min=$0.03 1hr=$1.8 which is shit get a real job and you will earn 5times that
  9. Tbh reach is round the corner so no matter what they do to that game want make no diffrence
  10. 1.what's gonna get leaked next? 2.whom are these fags you seem to speak about? 3.yes they do ? what are you talking about? 4.doing what(ur second point)
  11. What makes you think you have the knowledge to use a dev kit if you can update a jtag?
  12. This looks like the stupidest idea they have had for a while
  13. Wow never thaught u would say that
  14. It's shit sence u don't actually get the 50 and the fact that everybody on this site is against taking jtags online
  15. Boom headshot!
    1. michael iz pro

      michael iz pro

      i get alot of them in halo 3 lol
  16. Rehash and resing with you profile and device I'd
  17. It good now thnk lock plz
  18. I'll make a tut tmrw
  19. Anyone know what's going on with xbox live all I can see is my friends list and play etc but there's no market place or any of the other slides
  20. Wondering why it says THX is it not ment to be thnks or thanks or am I missing something.
  21. Can't wait for this update cheaper xbox live free espn and god knows what else
  22. What's wrong with wanting to be uber leet haxor
  23. YouTube is the best and easest way male a video on a popular topic and go from there
  24. Look my pont is the same he's been told repeted amounts of time how to do it including myself now just close the thread
  25. @halo download coolshrims tool it will do all of it for you /close this is just a flame war now
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