Ok this has to be the most simplist jailbreak yet watch here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKk-iR0ayKQ&feature=youtube_gdata www.jailbreakme.com works with all apple devices up to 3.2 and iPhone4 for 4.0.1
Number one because it full metal so it's stronger and the gps diffrence isn't that big for the money you save buy a better spring and upgrade the fps your self whare as the barrel goes I don't think a longer barrell should effect the accrucy that much but you could alwas get a extended barrell later and mags later but number one seems like a wise choice to me.
I beive as they may allow us extra fetures and stuff more hdd space will be needed they braught the 250gb out so more games can be installed to the hdd maybethery will add new fetures in the next update like ripping movies to the hdd or somthing.
I suggest you don't get a gamming but rather get a nice sofa with massager and stuff and buy a nice pair of gamming headphones I use astros and there exlant plus have a great replacment service I've had mine for about two years so far and anything break they ship me a new one for free and send me a pre paid ups sticker for the old one.
I know 3 way way one burn DVDs 2.USB flash drive3.allow your xbox to stream music and other content from ur pc by enabling sharing in windows media player
I know 3 way way one burn DVDs 2.USB flash drive3.allow your xbox to stream music and other content from ur pc by enabling sharing in windows media player
First off I would like to state that if this isn't allowed go ahead and lock this topic and don't post here saying taking jtags online is a waste blah blah blah it's not my kv or anything just helping out a friend. Ok it's as simple as this for $25 you will recive a type one kv which Is compatable with xenons. This kv is shared and you will only recive the kv when all the buyers are ready so that the kv isn't wasted it will be shared with 4 people we have one buyer already and we need another 3 we have more than one kv incase we have more than 4 people intrested. So it's shared what does that mean for you nothing much realy it will last the same 3-5 hrs but only one negative is that the on halo the sane kv can't be active. But as you can do other games so it's all good. Pm me if intrested or post here thanks. Dont flame plz
That would be great to back up your HD but it would cost alot of money for one of those DVDs maybe they should develope stronger DVDs ie there thicker and scratch resesident and maybe even anti laser burn just a thaught.
I never said it was permanent but reballing the CPU and gpu then reflowing the whole mobo then doing the hybrid xclamp fix as the best thing you can do for your mobo. After that add new fans extra fans on the case powred by12v. Or if you have the cash water cooling if that still dosent work get a ps3
@dakote maybe you should do this for a few people such as renagade I heard his selling the rth for $200 I also no a certan somone else whom is selling it for $50 maybe we should make a wall of shame.