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Everything posted by jmdalmighty

  1. Or you can buy region free games like me:)
  2. Game tuts are ****** now
  3. You can do alot with this if you have a jtag what this does is remove the security checks the game makes so you can mod it
  4. Not gonna work peaches copy of the file uploaded will be signd to his console. Let me explain let's say person1 has saints row 2 but it gets scratched and laserburnt the xbox reconises the game just can't play it so person 1 gives his hardrive to person 2 whom has a clean version of the game so he plugs the hdd in and installs it for p1 and gives it back to p1 when person 1 plugs the hdd back into his console and trys to play it it will give them an error and ask it to be re-installed what you need to do is go to bloack busters or sumthing borrow the game from someone and burn it your self. Hope that helps
  5. So does that mean they have a copy of the game
  6. Noble6=master cheif?
  7. It'S cheaper then buying legendry eddition
  8. Don't use media player it sucks just download the "opetinal medial update" then stream it through the regular way my xbox>video libary>dans-pc>movie folder= this way is faster and supports more formats
  9. Ther are the built in items you can probbably find them some whare on your pc but I suggest you put the movies in a folder let's say you call it new movies put that folder incide your documents,videos that will help you locate the movies faster or you can activate media sharing then go through your xbox videos change it to your pc and go too the folder. Hope that helped
  10. No peaches these are new the video is new they released pictures but these are the first video.
  11. No still at 960,000
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4hWxI5_5eo&feature=youtube_gdata driveable forklifts
  13. Every video is diffrent and shows diffrent stuff If you see sone same stuff continue to watch the video for something unique I will also try and update the thread with more videos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQpXuCWq0Yo&feature=youtube_gdata http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N75gJCm_cTY&feature=youtube_gdata http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mZGGwwqZzs&feature=youtube_gdata
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1nzXkm4ZaI&feature=youtube_gdata http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmT-jcTh1D8&feature=youtube_gdata
  15. It's fake peaches was joking(not very funny though)
  16. Only 2 weeks until reach for me!!!!
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Justrec


      Pics, Evidence, Video, or gtfo. kthx
    3. jmdalmighty


      Lol I never said I have it now look at my acchivments I get most games befor release
    4. Rogue Modder

      Rogue Modder

      so does every member of xbox360iso.com
  17. Your all gah so so gah btw I can get the game about 1-2 weeks early anyone want me to rip and upload?
  18. How many gb is it?
  19. This is not s7sins or ttg for one and two there are hundreds of people whom do it for free why whould we hire your services.
  20. I lold hard
  21. 6 could be a 8 but you need to upgrade to i7
  22. What's the combo?
  23. Wow you acutaly downloaded. I'm stuck after master cheif rams the unicorns horn up each member of noble teams asses what do you do then
  24. ******** the game isn't leaked yet and won't be for a week or so
  25. M$ be tricky ba*tards
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