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Everything posted by REDSTAR 105

  1. i dont believe that, but ill try it later. And confirm it or not.
  2. WTF! I clicked on the first link and norton said that there was a trojan!
  3. Yay you got pics up! For some reason it didnnt download for me, ill just dld again.
  4. This mod has been out for like a month! Oh well, i never saw a topic for this????
  5. Awesome! Its released! Cant wait to play it!
  6. It was meant to be a covenant map, there are mostly covie weapons and plasma cores on the map. Same thing with narrows, snowbound, and some other map i cant think of right now.
  7. I might try that, but you should probably look where the water thing is.
  8. Hyperstorm probably will, or haxalot, but, they could be both the same. Bungie will probably be against the idea though.
  9. K thanks, i hope its worth the download, please hurry.
  10. The future as in a couple of years.
  11. GUYS! Calm down, youre acting crazier than the time that Rosie o Donnel got into a fight with your mom! ~ Family Guy Reference. SHADE DOES NOT HAVE A RESIGNER, CRAP *TURNS OFF CAPS LOCK* ok, If he did, wouldnt he have made a .map mod by now? Same with anyone else, the map resigner does not exist!
  12. LOL! I can't believe someone would believe this though, retarded.
  13. I dont even think you need to resign them, if you xsata a map, and not modifyy it, it doesn't need to be resigned to get back on your xbox.
  14. Other than that, what else does it have on it. I dld'd it
  15. There probably isnt a way. .map modding doesnt exist yet.
  16. Good idea, i dont think bungie will like it though.
  17. I don't know about the first one, but the second one has to do with the date made.
  18. Impossible: Pelican Phantom Possible: Elite Clones Spartan Clones DaVinchi Eggs Mod rating w/ only possibles: 4/10
  19. thank you! ive been looking for a tutorial for this glitch.
  20. Dang, thats a lot! Oh well i might try later on todays afternoon.
  21. Well i didnt know a lot about a dev kit but an Xbox that runs unsigned codes? thats like a freakin halo 4!
  22. I guess i will, i hope ill remember tommorow.
  23. REDSTAR 105


    I just tested my xsata, its working fine, that is fake.
  24. My friend made a youtube video of this pic. 9000 views in 1 hour, wow!
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