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Everything posted by REDSTAR 105

  1. i'm still here motha****as missing these simpler times, hope all is well w everybody still around
  2. "FAST FACT: Sex is the leading cause of pregnancy"
  3. 2011? Shiit... I still remember seeing this thread for the first time
  4. God damn, that is literally worst-case scenario. Thank god my microsoft email is completely different from my others.
  5. >>>dying ill be still alive >>still alive > This emotion is the very reason why I'm still here. And this one
  6. ello
  7. Glad to see some modding activity coming to shape for Halo 4
  8. Love the shader swaps man, makes me wish I had a dev kit. Brings back halo 2 modding memories.
  9. I started to mod the Halo series starting with Halo PC back in 2005. Then that escalated into Halo 2 modding early 2006 which also was around the time I joined this site. I stopped modding the Halo's up at 3 because it wasn't as satisfying anymore. I got into other games like GTA IV, the Call of Duty series, Test Drive Unlimited, and more. Now my X-SATA (my modding necessity) is basically just some cool blue glowing thing on my xbox. Haven't modded anything in awhile, though when I did, it was usually hex editing. My past 7 years modding experience in a nutshell
  10. ladies and gentlemen we have ourselves a slidell
  11. You can tell they're putting a lot more work than Bungie did... can't wait to see how it turns out
  12. ^advertisement in sig classy
  13. lmfao
  14. omg, I remember this stuff... SSX Tricky man. Nostalgia.... EDIT: HOLY CRAP RUN DMC DUBSTEP OMFG YES YES YES
  16. Amen
  17. 1 reason why I would live in the country...
  18. I was meaning to get a link to the video... but I forgot. Send it to me lolol
  19. pi
  20. saw this yesterday came buckets
  21. My previous uploads to Spotify were under different labes, basically I gave them the songs and they gave it to iTunes and Spotify. I get reports in a month after that month (December's report will come in February). And it takes simple math to see how many Spotify plays I get, $0.002 per play.
  22. Anonymous better not drop it, Sony withdrawed their support primarily because of Anonymous's threats. Just because they say that they don't support it anymore, doesn't mean that they actually don't. Anonymous should also go after other companies, especially GoDaddy.
  23. Haven't updated iBotModz on my dubstep stuff in awhile... so here's what has been going on... 1) My EP's "Redstar" & "Remix Orgy" are both out on iTunes and Spotify. Redstar EP: iTunes - http://goo.gl/F4MsU Spotify - http://goo.gl/Ok6pj Remix Orgy: iTunes - http://goo.gl/gzAe5 Spotify - http://goo.gl/Gy8Vn 2) I have three other songs put up for free downloads titled "Power of the Bass", "Extraterrestrial", & "Voltage (Redstar Remaster)" unreleased by Skrillex. Free Downloads: Power of the Bass - http://goo.gl/NSx9p Extraterrestrial - http://goo.gl/N2cUK Voltage (Redstar Remaster) - http://goo.gl/0vNjP 3) Many more tracks are to come in 2012, though I will NOT be putting them out as fast as I have been. I'm looking at about a track a month, it'll be my decision whether or not they'll be free or put on iTunes. 4) I have started my own record label called "Project Redstar". My future tracks will be released on this label. This sums up what has happened this past month, follow me on SoundCloud to hear my existing tracks and to know when new ones are out! Thanks for all you guys' support and I'm glad that iBotModz is still here to see the eyes of 2012, never thought I would still be on here nearly 5 years ago! ~Redstar
  24. In other words "We support SOPA up to the point where our customers start leaving. Don't be fooled though, we still don't give a shit about the people, just the money. If our customers weren't leaving, we'd be back on the SOPA bandwagon screwing you over again"
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