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Everything posted by REDSTAR 105

  1. Dazzle DVC Platinum (170) $95 at bestbuy Test Video 9/10 Post your capture card!: (Capture Card Name) (Price you paid and where you bought from) (Test/Quality Test Video) (Rate your own Capture Card)
  2. Well thats too bad.
  3. Ill confirm if real or not, brb. EDIT: Real... untitled23.bmp
  4. Cool, ill check it out!
  5. Try looking in tylers map, or just ask him.
  6. Halo 3 Modding Tut.doc
  7. Seriously, your not going to get anything resigned by just asking, its not going to work.
  8. Yessssssss! I'm out of school!
  9. TOMORROH!!! I still have to say goodbye to some friends that are moving away.
  10. Add: Multiplayer Shadow from halo 2. Remove: Push to talk
  11. I just got an awesome Sony Ericsson today for my b-day! AT&T.
  12. Nice fake image of you having recon, and probably not.
  13. This is so gay how bungie is banning these guys, if they got released, they are not the ones releasing them. Still, looking foward to a CON resigner... maybe.
  14. 1 word... n00b. Sorry, but who doesn't know what a con resigner is?
  15. Ya, i saw MFone say this on bungie.net, RIGHT IN THEIR FACES!!!
  16. I'm pretty sure your not going to get your mods resigned.
  17. But what it is, its fake Ban this guy please.
  18. I know one thing, its not a virus. Or is it?
  19. Your not going to get too far, people that can resign only resign to people they know and trust. They don't resign for random people.
  20. REDSTAR 105


    lulz! Yes, it is a virus.
  21. Looks good peaches!
  22. Awesome! Thank you for releasing this, i could make a video of this mod for you!
  23. good job nox! rated you 5 and dld now, thanks!
  24. weird, 4 words, get a capture card.
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