Joined: June of 2006 (When was like or something...) Other Aliases: REDSTAR 1052 (just incase of another hack attack) Posts: 301 Were you on OLD IBM (The blue skin former one?): Yes (The shoutbox had yellow text!!! LOL) Do you want VIP for the content, or to contribute to a smaller private area?: Both Knowing that there is leaked/stolen content in there, do you support leaked/stolen content or frown upon it? I do not support it.
No, I'm active, i come here everyday, been here since early 2007 when the forum background was blue, I post mostly in the VIP section, help others with modding, post tutorials on some stuff (actually, I'm just about to post a whole bunch in the iPod/Zune section), and I post full versions of programs from scanned torrents so you guys don't get viruses and so you don't have to download the torrent yourself, but thats just some of the stuff I do... EDIT: Whoops... i JUST saw JustRec's Release Date post but oh well.
This section is for "H3 Modz" and a modded film is a "H3 Modz"... wait, that didn't make sense... oh well, the point is that this is a mod and it belongs here, he posted it to share it to people. So don't say that he is posting it for posts, can't you see he's 113 posts away from vip. lol
Check it! Please rate 10! It's pretty simple how to do the first one: 1) If you have the map for these screenshots... read on, if not, I cannot find a link, so, sorry. 2) Create whatever with the weapons 3) Restart the game 4) Grab a gravity hammer and then go into forge mode and go to the angle you want to see the word in 5) Switch to player mode and swing a the desired moment. 6) Theatre Mode and take the picture! Yes, I did make this effect