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Everything posted by REDSTAR 105

  1. I might help Also i heard sligstorm was making a campaign trainer, i show you guys a picture... Un Modified: Modified:
  2. + rep please! Download via Filedropper Virus total Direct: Pictures: con1.bmp con2.bmp 360ConSigner.rar
  3. ds, psp, xbox, xbox 360, i guess wii, iPod, Sony Ericcson, Gamecube, and well, pc.
  4. 1. I told you i was going to get pictures as soon as i can. 2. Obviously, like bungie would give me flaming, that be awesome.
  5. cCan you, do you have xsata? xport? do you have 2 1/2 years exp. with modding? i do. and i just turned 12. modding since 9 1/2, with halo pc/halo xbox. then just turned 10 with halo 2, 11 and 360 days with halo 3. I don't want to get in trouble with bungie. Thats why i dont want them leaked, now if your smart, or just have ideas to keep them away from bungie, then you wouldnt leak them, or leak them some clever way yourself. Would you want to get fileshare banned? Matchmaking banned? I had to deal with the matchmaking ban in halo 2 for like a year. I dont want the same to happen to me on halo 3. Wow that was a mouthfull!
  6. REDSTAR 105


    Pfft.... so. Anyway, xbox softmods has been up since like midnight.
  7. Thats not possible at the time, it probably won't be possible until .map modding is.
  8. i got one like that, but not the same, how long is the film, try to get it in under like 2 mb. Or 2 minutes.
  9. It's mostly about the mod, not the picture, anyway, if you modded a clip for you to have recon, wouldnt you want to share the picture. I would and did.
  10. I pick random people, but still, 1/10 chance, after 7/3, ill pick them.
  11. Im too young to post p.o.r.n, i know how to mod pics though, i learned from my friend. And im not going to tell.
  12. Here is my mod teaser, This mod is filled with clones, big doors, flame that burns you in the beginning, equipment, ammo, and a lot more! Playable with ALL gametypes! 4-8 players. Very fun to play with, actually, im looking for people to test this mod with me! Only 1/10 people that want to will get to, + rep me, and you might have a better chance, 2/10 for you, they'll get to keep the map only if they agree not to leak it, i don't want to get in trouble with bungie, they can show it to people in forge mode, this mod will not be put up for grabs until further notice. Now if you want to test it with me and my clan, post here, and no, the more posts here doesn't get you a better chance. So, what is the name? Defcon, if you don't know what defcon is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DEFCON Anyway, this mod was made by RH Defcon (me), and *usr name hidden*, and won't be released until we decide to. And here is my recon, SERIOUSLY, I POSTED THESE PICTURES BECAUSE I WANTED TOO, I DON'T REALLY CARE IF I CAN MOD RIGHT NOW. NOW STOP IT WITH THE "Anyone can do that." BECAUSE I ALREADY KNOW THAT, ALONG WITH EVERYONE ELSE ON THE FORUMS, THERE IS NO REASON TO POST STUFF EVERYONE ALREADY KNOWS.
  13. LOL! Thats great! Thats why i never play burnt copies of unreleased games, or even released.
  14. REDSTAR 105


    softmods is up razor, edit: dang! you posted right before me!
  15. I just saw this over at *the link in shades resigner * and it seemed pretty informative.
  16. ^ Probably, i havnt tested it, ill do that tonite.
  17. ill look for it, ill edit if successfull or not. edit: Nope, btw, slipstream, is your identifier thing on your aio working?
  18. viewtopic.php?f=124&t=4779
  19. I heard shades was banned, superaisons is fine, i think, and i don't know about the 2 others.
  20. I did.
  21. Ok, one question, how do you know which one is which... 01 <--Head? 01 <--Body? 01 01 <--Shoulders?
  22. My name has rly in it, when i got to put stick on letters spelling my name on my door, i put rly. lol
  23. http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... d=41270137 Nothing special, saw in chat box.
  24. Ok thanks! 4 people i know that can resign/have resignes and i give them + rep every chance i get: Superaison SkateZero Issacmatthews hyperStorm
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