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Everything posted by REDSTAR 105

  1. Im really looking foward to play this mod it looks very cool! WHEN ARE YOU RELEASING IT!
  2. Looks cool, but you have to release it!
  3. Its impossible to make a map unsavable in custom games.
  4. Very well done! I wont be deleting this map in a while, because it will never get old! I also had a good crack up on fred! The skull, LOL!
  5. WOW! That is very well put together, but why cant you just download the mods? Oh well i might download later.
  6. Even though ive already seen it, this map does look cool, too bad it easily gets boring.
  7. Cool map, fiting name, very interesting, you put a lot of thought into this mod it seems, 5/5 good job! It sensored fiting with 2 t's? Why?
  8. I hope so, i will play on it tomorrow morning before i go to soccer camp.
  9. You should just use gates and other stuff you can find, its your mod.
  10. Yay! another playable mod, and on rats nest, i havent seen a rats nest mod since gold star mods' mod.
  11. Wow! An actual playable map for valhalla, i was going to request that soon, please get some pictures soon, but ill still download.
  12. This map sounds dangerously close to valhalla v2, only with a lot more trees! I might download later, keep them coming slipstream!
  13. Dang dude that sounds awesome! Imma download since im back in modding!
  14. Maps have stuff that fit with the climate or something, shade turrets with snowbound, theyre both covenant. And other stuff, shade turrets don't fit in a human climate.
  15. http://www.ibotmodz.net/phpbb3/download/file.php?id=1144
  16. Shouldnt this be moved into the spam section?
  17. I have a suggestion for the next mod you make, like slipstream, can you make some kind of racetrack mod.
  18. I really don't think that is possible. Out of the list of tings on the map, water isnt one of them. <--- Check it out for yourself.
  19. Too bad the website is down, oh well, i can find other gamesaves.
  20. No u didn't theres no downloads on some.
  21. Well, sucks for me, i hate spammers, oh well ill get to 200 posts soon, ive been clicking thit post reply button like its mo job, seriously, anyway, i think the fix is a very good idea. Im glad that its going online soon!
  22. Well, it would be cool but whos gonna pay for the Ms points and such? Two ways: 1. We get sponsors 2. The contest creator gets the prize.
  23. x133783457x was in my friends modding clan w/ me and he gave me the mod.
  24. there is a topic about this already. wow.
  25. A W E S O M E! Oh yea, instead of double posting, you can edit your post.
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