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Everything posted by REDSTAR 105

  1. .....
  2. Help us get bungie to make it able to lower guns on xbox live. It will be a lot eaiser for machinima. Banner: lower_the_guns.bmp Link to group: http://www.bungie.net/fanclub/lowertheguns.../GroupHome.aspx
  3. You know, i wasnt planning to have a h2 tourny section, because it would be in active, now h3, that will bring more people and lots of people will participate! But, some people are kind of mad because they dont have a 360, so they want h2 tournys, but they cant find any, we can host some, and ive also heard vCash, where people could bid on teams.
  4. I agree, there goes automated vip hopefully!
  5. i always though nicholas was a guys name I saw you on artistic gfx you ugly as ##$%. ... harsh
  6. New Forum: I've been on the this forum for about a year and a half, and what i remember from the last forum that got hacked, is that we had a halo 2 tournament section, im thinking we should bring that back, so we can get to know the ibotmodz community a little bit better and have fun, maybe even add some prizes to the tournaments! I think it would be a great idea to bring the tournament section back, also in the section, sub-forums, 1st: no prize torunaments, 2nd: Torunaments with prizes. Edit: What i mean to bring it back is to make a halo 3 tournaments forum. I don't mean halo 2, the only thing you do in there now is mod it. New Topic Tags: In the help and support section, there are tags like solved, support, and other stuff. I think the forums would be a lot more organized with some more forums with tags, like in H3 Modz, there would be Playable, Test, ect. H3 Programs, there would be AIO, Resigner, Rehasher, ect. And im pretty sure you can find some more sections that could have some.
  7. lol, whos freewebs site did this come from?
  8. Yay, thanks you guys, i really think this will help the website *cough* medal *cough* i really hope this goes into effect really soon.
  9. Mass Uploader: What really bugs me, is when your posting a mod in H3 Modz section and you are going to upload 6 screenshots to the ibotmodz server, it takes at least 3 minutes, and i hate doing it one at a time, so why cant we just have a mass uploader! Upload up to 10 things at once, that would take almost a minute to upload those screenshots! Post Generator: We should make a post generator for the H3 modz section, since people still dont follow the post format, it would be lot easier, like the halo 2 mod generator, but updated a little bit. That would be a little easier.
  10. Not if they dont know about it, or you dont put mod or anything in there, nor change the author name.
  11. 1. In johnson, its hard to find specific things. 2. Slip's tag program isnt completed
  12. Most of you may already know this, but i am going to post this for the people who dont. + rep me please! How to post mods on bungie, without getting banned. Post mods on bungie.net without getting banned. How to: Step One) Put the modded map on your fileshare Step Two) Go to your fileshare on bungie.net Step Three) Click on the modded map picture next to it, look at picture one. Step Four) Copy the url in the adress bar and paste it on notepad. Step Five) Go back to your fileshare, click the down arrow below it, and click remove from fileshare, look at picture 2. Step Six) Post your mod on the ibotmodz H3 Modz section and don't forget to follow the post format! Picture 1: Picture 2: Credits: This tutorial was made by REDSTAR 105 of ibotmodz.net. Also thanks Skipper for the mod example on your fileshare! Created by iBotModz post generator
  13. Easier way to understand: Active: objects/equipment/tripmine/tripmine Non-active: objects/equipment/tripmine/tripmine_equipment
  14. AWESOME! Can someone move this to h3 programs.
  15. KIDS?!?! http://www.ibotmodz.net/phpbb3/download/file.php?avatar=1028_1214852575.jpg lolololololololololl ill post one when i take tha pic. Thanks subs for the avatar!
  16. Ima jus having bbq, shwim part-e with mah friendz, and washting teh firehwoorks, itz gonna b tight yaalll'! Translation: Im just having bbq, swim party with my friends, and watching fireworks, its going to be tight yall'! <-- Texas Habit.
  17. ^^^Lol! Ill post one l8tr. BTW im only 12.
  18. Like any other day on earth except USA, July 4, 2008, normal day for others, but for Americans, independence day! Who's throwing a party, who's doing a barbeque, WHOS SMUGGLING FIREWORKS ;D, <-- i wish. Happy July 4th!
  19. Crap i found out the spawns are crap.
  20. The 2 people have been chosen, swatcinema and Tommy2st. We will test it July 5th.
  21. What did our clan do to you? Or is it just the word defcon.
  22. Well i was bored, you have to turn the shade turrets completely around, i did that so the humans get some time to run around. Anyway: REMEMBER + REP ME 4 THIS! Map Gametype No Problem
  23. Actually no it doesn't have the same keyvault, the last one he had was back in january (modified) and the current one was last modified June 26 i think.
  24. Im going to release the mod within 1 1/2 weeks.
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