Well, it will be on youtube sometime today, once i get time to set up my capture card. Its in my fileshare, slots 3-6 and 8-15. Pretty funny, you don't have to watch all of them, we will make our next episode the next time grifball is in double exp. http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShar...g=REDSTAR%20105
Competition Winner medal, Contests Forum Type: Suggestion Urgency: [ When your free ] About: New medal. We should also have a Contests forum, and add some halo 3 related contests, with prizes like 1 month, 3 month, 800 ms points, 1600 ms points, ect. Anyway about the new medal, the picture is your call. Created by iBotModz post generator
I was talking with tyler iz ill earlier today and he showed me and blacklabelfosho how he got fileshare banned, but not only that, he also got matchmaking banned. Why is this important? Its because if you mod, bungie might do the same to you, and just like tyler, bungie wont give you a warning. But, i would still mod, just dont release any of your mods. EDIT: Guys, also tyler didnt get just his account banned, he also got consle banned. Also, if a non-server con resigner gets leaked, we have to spread it around as fast as we can, so there would be way to many modders that bungie just can't ban them.
I didnt spam to get to vip. Anyway, i was on last night for 2 hours straight, and got 20 posts in, 1 post every 6 minutes. I actually read topics, and other crap. Anyway this is the first time i was on today, i will be more active for now on.