I happen to have a MU and a HDD, so I can change my storage device to my MU when making a mod, since I don't keep maps on my MU. Before I got my MU, I just made another profile. If you have already have the map on another profile, if you have 2 controllers, you can sign in the profile with the map and your extra profile, play a custom game with the map you want to copy, then later, go into recent maps on your extra profile and save it to your library. Then the map will be on your other profile too
When you begin the game, you will be presented with a series of different colored cells. The aim of the game is to turn every cell the same colour. By clicking a cell, you invert the color of that cell and any cell surrounding it. Once you have got every cell the same color, you win. I don't know what the origional game was called, but this is my remake of it If someone wants to help me with the addition of some form of high score table, feel free I still haven't learned how to use the GU, so it uses character graphics. But they're still cool... right? invertor.zip
Can anyone think of a way to make a program that outputs it's own source code? And I don't mean one that opens up the source file, or one that you typed the source code into earlier Just a program that can, when asked, show it's source code. Maybe some form of decompilation is necissary?
Or, do a windows update on the computer. That'll do windows .NET framework and a lot more. Assuming you have XP, just click Start (or in my case, stop, because I renamed it ) then windows update.
It's a cross between pac-man and pong. There are 5 ghosts, each controlling a bat and covering up a goal, to which you have to fire a ball into. The ghosts defend their goals with the bats. If you score, you can eat the ghosts. That's basically the jist of it, but it has slightly better graphics. Why are you doing a project on a game you've never played, anyway?
Depends what you want to do with it. If you want to pay for games and do no homebrew, buy the latest model. If you like playing illegal games and some homebrew (no 1.5 kernel yet (to my knowledge, but I knew this a few months ago so things may havge changed)) and you care more about what it looks like and weigs, get a PSP slim. If you want a PSP to program and play homebrew and illegal SONY game copies, but the PSP phat (PSP 1000) (the origional one). I have this one and, in my opinion, is the best to have. Get a decent size memory stick, too. Like 4GB. Not 8GB, because they don't work too well with some custom firmwares.
Yeah, but if you didn't buy the game, it will still be a trial game. This is only useful if you have the smallest HDD for the 360 and you have a hell of a lot of blank DVDs you want to waste
The pandora battery and magic memory stick works with ALL firmwares for the PSP phat and slim. It will even work with firmwares that are to be released in the future. Once you've downgraded with the pandora's battery and stuff, just upgrade to whatever custom firmware you want, or stay on 1.5 if you like it And if you're gonna make the pandora's battery (either through hardware or software modification), buy a spare one. There's nothing worse than having a portable gaming device that you can only play when plugged into a charger
Well, if you did release the source, and some noob suddenly came along and released an app that gets your stats from bungie with a slightly different GUI, we'll all know who he stole it from I just wanted to see how you actually got the info from bungie