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Everything posted by miinaturvat

  1. http://funny.tehjunk.com/yarly.jpghttp://attachments.climatepatrol.com/a2/yarly_208570.jpghttp://mashable.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/ya_rly.jpghttp://www.infomuse.net/520/wiki/images/b/b9/YaRly.jpg
  2. I believe he thinks that by "prestige/Level: 13", that it means it is at level 13 prestige, which obviously can't be the case Anyway, level 13 is crap. I wouldn't even bother showing it Please explain how he did this
  3. Not if you resized it properly, like with GIMP or Photoshop, for example. And it already looks blurry And did you have to start a new topic for that question?
  4. Yet another ASCII-graphics game copy by me! Quazy Autonomous Chasing Machines is basically like "Robots". It's a good puzzle game, and this version supports Vegas scoring! Created from scratch, by me, in C. The source is included for educational purposes. In a later release, I may add some form of high-scores table, but not just yet. Download it, play it, and report and suggestions/bugs here please EDIT: Can I have my own section in here where I can post all my PSP games I make? That'd be cool quacm.zip
  5. lol He's 11, and you're meant to be 13+ to play... Real-life trading is not allowed... He isn't going to get his stuff back And what kind of **** gives out his username and password for "something rare"?! The kid deserved it. Paying $140 on runescape is, in my opinion, sad. I do believe he is one of theese people with no life, no offence
  6. Well... The 24 inch one has a slightly bigger and shinier stand, which is actually the opposite from what I expected... I personally would prefer to loose 3 inches off the screen and buy 2 Xbox360 games for it. they will both do the same resolution, thus, the 27 inch will have a lower DPI and the quality will be less. Get the 24 inch one!
  7. I was just going to add an extra 'i' to 'miinaturvat' each couple of days until people got really confused Maybe you could have "AKA %s", thePersonsOrigionalName below their display name? that way, people would still know who we are.
  8. I have also signed up. Since there are only a few thousand people getting picked for this new dash, they probably will put watermarks in the downloads. Which means that if someone does leak it, microsoft will know who leaked it and ban them So if 2 people get picked from this site, we need to compare the new dash updates and check for any diferences. If there is no difference, there is no watermark. If there is a difference, we have to be careful who we leak it to
  9. Can't it be lowered to 500 posts before you can change your name? And what's classified as an approved post, anyway? And Dr Slipstream, did you say you didn't have permission to change your name? Yet you have more than 2,500 posts?!
  10. Here, have some more +rep And I haven't seen that error again, so it probably was just when you re-cached the BBCode. EDIT: I just seen it again, at 09:59AM at BST (proper time ) on the 22 July. did you re-cache it again or something?
  11. you mean you downloaded a free custom theme for the PSP. It's not that difficult And when you do decide to buy one, make sure you have a way of getting a pandora battery so you can downgrade it. There are no extra moving parts; it's just slimmer and weighs less. If anything, there are less moving parts
  12. for who? the white kids, or the gheto avatars? And that's not pitch black; there are still shades of brown!
  13. What are you implying? and stop evading the naughty word filter by putting BBCode in the middle of your words
  14. I just signed in and this error came up: http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/838/fatalerror.png Did Fatal Error have anything to do with it?
  15. Talk about lack of security... what do they use to view your screens at your school? They use something called 'Lanschool' at our school. the packets aren't encrypted, and you can capture, modify and send them back to the teacher
  16. You mean like discovering that the crappy admins at my school left the routers password as admin, then completely disabling the filter in such a way that they didn't know how to re-enable it again? That's always fun But then again, it's what they get for blocking youtube Or do you mean like changing the access rights so that students have admin rights and admin have student rights? That's fun too. They had to get me to fix that one for them They were very pissed off.
  17. Well, I have no idea where I got this from, but here's a text document containing a list of 4,224 proxies DO NOT let your teachers get a hold of this list. They will probably block every one of them enough.txt
  18. Brown is very close to red... But then again, sky blue is very close to blue! Yellow will just be difficult to read. Definately not yellow. Maybe some poncy color, like this one? I don't have paypal, and probably never will, so I doubt this will affect me... (affect? effect? what's the difference? )
  19. And there are plenty of public tools to do this yourself. Unless you don't have the ability to transfer files between your xbox and PC, you shouldn't need to ask this.
  20. Are you sure it's unlimited time? Not just 999 seconds?
  21. No offence, but the armour looks like it went up shit creek without a paddle! It looks horrible, in other words. Even if I did end up with it, I would never wear it. And I'm not going to pay money for something that I'd never use. And I'm pretty sure you get recon when you unlock all the Vidmaster achievements for Halo 3...
  22. That is a genious idea! But I don't understand how some things can be attached to the elephant. I've done it before with teleporters, but I don't know how the game knows they're attached to the elephant. But I'll experiment with it and see if I can do it.
  23. Well, I just did a search of accounts with a post count less than 5, and there were more than 9600 results! That leaves 400 accounts with a post count greater than 4, right? Well... the search results cabe back with less than 60! Now unless I'm doing something really silly, or the search thingy is missing a load of accounts, or people's post counts have been reset, this means there are less than 60 active members on this site! And those are just the ones with more than 4 posts! At the time of posting this, there are 10,363 members signed up. That means that the milestone should infact be "more than 10,000 spam accounts!" That's not good
  24. Even though it's probably simpler to do that in a hex editor than a random program...
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