You could improve it by allowing you to change the information it reads from the CON. Also, what's the "Element 18592" at the bottom of the screenshot?
Well, it's not really hacking, is it. Since hacking is the art performed by hackers, and hackers are people who basically understand a lot about computers and how they work. Any idiot could do this. And why would we ask on youtube? Won't you be back to read all the replies you're getting?
Just search for the achievements name in a hex editor, and look for all occurances of the value of the achievement, and take a note of the offset relative to the achievements name. Then see if all the other achievement values are the same offset. If they are, just change that number and you should be done Just try experimenting with a hex editor. You can't really go wrong.
It works with every firmware for the phat and slim PSPs, to the extent of my knowledge... I don't think it's really possible for sony to disable it from working just with an update, so it should work forever, on any firmwares to come Also, how do you bump a sticked topic?
I'm gonna write an interpretor for it on my PSP. Then I can be brain****ed anywhere, any time! I thought there was some form of filter to stop people typing swear words...
Crash bandicoot 1 2 and 3 (1 was the best ) Also Spyro 1 2 and 3 (3 was the best ) Hogs of War was also quite good. It's like worms 3D, but with pigs instead of worms. I play theese on my PSP.
I wrote a program in VB6 ages ago to do this Quite fun to do at school... "Sir! My start button dissappeared!" "What do you mean it dissappeared?" "I mean the stop button took it's place!"
You would still be able to mod offline, but you'd have to clear the cache to get rid of the update. And, when you go back online with it, you'll have to re-download the update, but it only takes a few seconds
Came across a funny little language, and I thought I'd post it here Tutorial by omin0us <omin0us208[AT]gmail[DOT]com> It's too long to fit on one page, so here it is in a text document brain****.rtf
The makers of truck dismount (Rekkaturvat) and stair dismount (Porrusturvat) made a load of sample levels. One that I liked was Minesweeper dismount (Miinaturvat). Quite simple, really.
Whoops... Didn't see that Anyway... Why would anyone believe this was a mod? It looks like all you did was turn friendly fire off and set gravity to 10%
You use common sense... There can't be any batch file commands that can't be easily understood and changed into anything else. Are you trying to convert anything in particular?
Actually, if you look at the writing on the side of the frigate you spawned, and then look at the text on the side of the one that's normally there, you'll see it's completely different. Thus, they are different opbects. Thus, the frigate won't stay there when modded. But, if you manage to change the coordinates of the normal frigate, then yes, it should stay there for the whole game.