It doesn't sound nearly severe enough to deserve loosing his account... And why do you need a good hacker? Most real hackers won't help you, nor will any ethical hacker.
I don't think you need to do a licence transfer, since it's not actually signed to any IDs (they're all just a load of 0s). I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure you could just copy the file from one Xbox to another, even though they are LIVE files.
Didn't you read the post above? It's not signed to any profile, device or console ID, thus it does not need to be re-signed. On this subject, does anyone have a flaming hog LIVE file I can have? I will quite happily give away my honour guard wraith file
I'm doing a bit of programming for the PSP in C/C++, using the pspdev thing for compiling. I'm trying to make a function to print in color. Basically, I call my function, giving it a string I want to print, and a RGBA (red, green, blue, alpha) hex color code. Then my function should print the message in that color. I have some code to do this: void printStuff( long colour, char *message )
int r;
int g;
int b;
int a;
int c;
c = colour;
r = c / 0x01000000;
c -= (r * 0x01000000 );
g = c / 0x00010000;
c -= (g * 0x00010000 );
b = c / 0x00000100;
c -= (b * 0x0100 );
a = c;
pspDebugScreenSetTextColor((a * 0x1000000) + (b * 0x10000) + (g * 0x100) + (r));
} In theory, if I use: printStuff(0xFF7F0FF, "Hello"); should print the text "Hello" in orange. It compiles fine, and when I do the sums on a calculator, it works fine. But when I run it on the PSP, it doesn't work at all... I think the problem lies when I'm doing "r = c / 0x01000000 ;", like it can't divide properly or something. Does anyone know why this doesn't work? Or, can anyone think of a better way of getting r, g, b and a from the color? Thanks.
Is there any way of changing a film clip to make it look like you've lowered your weapons? Since you can only lower your weapons in a local game, the ability to do this would come in very handy for machinima purposes...
Isn't a 'Flam' where you hit a drum with both sticks, but the first stick hits the drum slightly before the other? So we're not allowed to hit people with two sticks? Are we still allowed to hit people with one stick?