But uf you were using an offline profile and switched the perms for recon/bungie, how can it check with the server to see if you actually have recon/bungie armour? Would it just not bother checking and let you have them?
Or ask supermodder if he would kindly release a re-hasher. He made the profile tool, and that works Or we could find out how the hash tables work and build our own... nah.
I'm not going to flame you for posting twice on one page, but I can't see your sig anywhere, So I will rate it x/10, where x = (10 - days it takes me to see the sig) until (days == 10) at which point (x = 0)
Oh, so it is real! Shows the last time I played halo So why don't the other warthogs have shadows? And I've just realised that's a marine in the warthog
Firsty, please speak with proper grammer; it's easier to read Secondly, I don't think they're IMG files; they're PNG files. Unless you're talking about the .GPD files, in which case, they're GPD files And have you tried using wxPirs?
Well, this really does look like it could be photoshopped I mean, the only warthog that has a shadow is the one you're standing on! And if it's from halo 3, explain the little man in the far right warthog: http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/8001/83000000full.jpg I'm not saying that you didn't mod this on Halo 3, but it does look a bit suspicious. If it is a photoshop, it's a very good one but if it's a mod, it's a very good one too
You've not done anything stupid like turned the lock on or something, have you? When you plug it in to your PC, can you view the files? If not, you could try taking it apart and soldering it up to a USB cable, instead of the USB end it has now. For all you know, it could be the USB connector that's broken.