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Everything posted by miinaturvat

  1. No, it's his xbox live gamertag. I think he wants to speak to people that want ideas for mods or something... He is obviously clueless; leave him alone
  2. Well, anyone thick enough to play ODST on LIVE before it comes out deserves to get banned. that goes for adding it to your profile, too ALSO: What is there to 'investigate'? If ODST is in someone's recent games, it's pretty obvious that they've added the game or played it pre-release
  3. I'd rather have Halo 2 than friends any day! I don't understand how anyone could possibly need more than 100 friends on LIVE. and Halo 2 was
  4. Of course you don't re-sign it. You CAN'T re-sign it. If you could, you made a LIVE re-signer, and we could mod virtually everything on the xbox.
  5. Hears one I believe it's already modded. UserSettings.zip
  6. Nice tutorial Looks like many people will be banned for doing this, though... how long do you think it'll be before they patch this? Nice tutorial Looks like many people will be banned for doing this, though... how long do you think it'll be before they patch this?
  7. Since when in the laws of physics was it not allowed to go at a slant? Just look at the attached diagram. It's all relative. Anyway, back on topic. I can almost guarantee you were not the first person to do this. People have been doing this sort of thing for years now. Do you have any form of evidence to even indicate you could possibly be the first person to do this? untitled.bmp
  8. Topic title fail. And I'll probably pre-order the first one you mentioned. Unless the controller comes with a play and charge kit or something. But I tend to use wired controllers.
  9. Cesar, you need to buy your girls better cameras! Or at least teach them how to use them
  10. It was the "Musicnotes suite", wasn't it? That was one of the first things I tried. I'm not paying $17 for some sheet music Thanks anyway
  11. What was it? If it's music, but it has viruses, I can just use another PC that I will wipe again; I have loads
  12. That will come in handy if I can't find any sheet music, thanks But sheet music would be even better!
  13. For a school project, I require sheet music (no, not tab ) for 2 songs by rush - "Working Man" and "The Trees". I don't really want to have to purchase a book with the score in it. Would anyone know where to find the score for the guitar part in each songs? Or even something to convert TAB to score quickly? Thanks.
  14. This is all good and well, but if someone isn't too smart with HTML and stuff, and they copy this to get a good grade, what the hell are tyhey gonna do if they're asked to explain some of it? But I suppose it's lok for people that are more than capable of it, but can't be bothered
  15. It's not too much if you need to run something as administrator! And I prefer to just not use Vista. But still. It will probably come in handy.
  16. So only do it with people you trust won't leave the game And is this for CoD 4 or 5? Is there even a cage match on CoD 5?
  17. miinaturvat

    Bleep Bloop

    I'm sure it could. I mean, you could get told off for tripple-off-topic-posting... Is that a new record?
  18. miinaturvat

    iStealer SOURCE

    Who made iStealer? I've heard a lot about it, but have no idea where it came from...
  19. What?.. What?... What?... I'm just saying, C++ is like '1 up' from C. If you actually use C/C++, you'll understand it translates to "C = C + 1". Not looking at C before C++ is like watching 28 weeks later before 28 days later.
  20. http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/4691/46359180.png 6,000 years my ass! Read this, you racist christian extremists! http://www.geocities.com/questioningpage/Evolve1.html
  21. ...until you understand the general jist of programming. Then you move on to a real programming language I actually learnt BASIC first (no, not Visual Basic, proper BASIC). It depends what you actually want to be able to program as to wether you should learn VB or BASIC. Most people here would say VB, but BASIC will probably give you a better understanding of programming. BASIc is for learning how to program computers. VB is for learning to program microsoft crap. And a word of advice, don't look into C++ until you've at least looked into C first
  22. Who is that pic of? And don't say hitler; I mean the origional
  23. Yeah! Make a vid of something that won't work!
  24. miinaturvat


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