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Everything posted by connorss

  1. gonna buy a 5850 and try to beat quinn's 5750
  2. has redbarz ip.(yeah i know alot of ppl do)
  3. i will bring the double barrel
  4. hmm.true stuff/ shoudn't of got the gateshit
  5. damn i guess i should of got a pc instead of a ps3 and 360...
  6. watched about 10 seconds.destroyed screen that the video was on.sniped the dude in black from ontario to what what ever whit hole he lives in
  7. "use it on your hoes,and your other ho's"
  8. i have used the GECK at a friends house before and i liked it.im not going to get fallout 3 for pc so i am glad of this
  9. started a 100% fallout3 file
  10. oh blended cat. YUMMS! i'll pay 1.30$ for that
  11. yeah yeah. with skool almost done who cares
  12. quinn what are youu going to do with your life oh and peaches i find no bugs when i use this board
  13. how much do you pay a month. we pay 25$ and have 2gb dl limit.
  14. in slow motion
  15. hell yes
  16. http://www.speedtest.net/result/846830594.png
  17. Hmm well As long as I can be a ghoul killing bigot Idc for realism. That said I am still going to play hardcore mode
  18. that part of assasins creed 2 was mind ***kkkkked. i coudn't figure it out and got a walkthrew after 2 days
  19. true stuff. i'm just used to having all my ammo with me when im doing my shit. the best thing in new vegas will be the orbital strike for those people who dont know what im talking about My link
  20. when u start a game. dont know where to go. wander to dangerous enemies and get killed. ******* deathclaws
  21. connorss

    IRL Yao Guai

  22. decent site man
  23. if u dont play hardcore the game will suck. hardcore is where the fun is. sucks tho that ammo will have weight
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