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Everything posted by connorss

  1. Who - rep'd peaches 0_O I put ya to normal.... stupid trolls
  2. ddfonnhjuhnjuy095t4r. got 4/6 right ;o
  3. No.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I've been wanting lonesome road since I beat old world blues (Day after it came out)
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1uVi41I1oc&feature=related
  5. Trolol I love people like this. Saying how awesome they are because they can Ddos people and trying to impress people when their a eleven year old kid who probably has a mac. that explains it all. And for teh lawls:
  6. connorss

    Dragon Cave

    I clicked your egg so much it feels violated
  7. There is. Atleast on the sabertooth and Crosshair V
  8. GTA5 is in the back row of that list. bf3 and skyrim are what my main attention is on. So will HL3 if it's actually announced. episode 3 for that matter too
  9. So since almost no one I know IRL plays on PC.I decided to see what PC gamers on here use steam and have legit games post your steam name and what games you play alot of For example Steam ID; Stormwin11 Frequantly played games: Battlefileld bad company 2 Far cry 2
  10. These are the games Im looking at
  11. Your from russian, Doesnt count
  12. No,my farm in vietnam can re-grow that in 1 day. It's just hard with the damn US customs. Have you ever tried carrying 2+ pounds of weed up your ass in a car? didnt think so
  13. oshi-,there went my next yearly income
  14. "The 26-year-old is said to have stopped taking depression medication" and started taking acid?
  15. Wont be on for the next couple of days,throwing drives in raid then setting stuff back up.
  16. Console+mods=no
  17. I would not recommend this motherboard at all, When i got my PC built and booted up within one hour I had my first BSOD. I learned that OC Genie turned itself on and was running at very poor settings (1.25V with 3.5GHz On CPU) After getting it turned off for good (It liked to turn itself on each boot) Two weeks past then I got a BSOD that my ram was undervolted. I took a look and sure enough. I was running 1566mhz (stock is 1156) with 1.55V. After getting that fixed it was a decent borde but i do plan on getting a new one for bulldozer.this one has caused me way to many problems
  18. connorss

    Site Move

    I noticed it was april fools day after xD
  19. connorss

    Site Move

    Do you know exactly when this will happen?
  20. Ok,But dosnt defragging use up the read/write(I froget whitch one's) cycles you have and shorten the life?
  21. So Im the proud soon-to-be owner of a 64gb SSD. I plan to put windows and other programs i use alot on this to increase speeds.But I want to know what programs I should use to keep my ssd running fast and what not to do to degrade it. Thank you
  22. lol Im getting it for 30$ and it's in better shape then the one I sold to you
  23. More advance stuff really as quinn said. Im getting a real cheap ipod touch 1st gen soon that still has 3.1.3 so im gonna be doing alot of modding to it
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