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Everything posted by connorss

  1. yes... and is there a place where i can put dead bodies.....
  2. one where the neibours wont hear the noise
  3. wow.... we are moving in together
  4. mine is brand new from about 3 minuets ago
  5. he a annoying little **** and you shoudnt.i was just borred and my friend showed me this video
  6. skip to 3:45.dumb bitch dosnt know who or what a pedoboar is
  7. gaming,modding,some photo video editing
  8. connorss

    how is this

    this build is not for me.it's for darkrider so he likes it but i want to know what you guys think.his budget was 1100$ https://secure.newegg.com/WishList/MySavedWishDetail.aspx?BundleExist=N&ID=19562008&ChangeQty=0 in it there is -AMD PHenom II x6 1090t -4gb ddr3 ocz gold -5870
  9. sippin a monster energy,playing just cause 2.it's gonna be a long night
    1. REDSTAR 105

      REDSTAR 105

      monster is what i drink, every night.
    2. connorss


      same but i had like 15 of them and i was borred
  10. write here the stupidest offer you have evar been made by someone to sell something.mine is my new 360 from my close friend cuz i already had a ps3.his offer was 150$ for -Xbox 360 arcade.used for 2 months(200$) -2 Xbox 360 controllers(100$) -4 games all in brand new condition, left4 dead 2,just cause 2,the orange box,prototype(160ish$)
  11. i agree. .with this statment.
  12. oh shit then.it's a borrowed psu from quinn.i got it cuz im out of money:P
  13. i made it to 0:10.if you film yourself making it to the end and do i will give yuou a cookie
  14. so im going to be upgrading my computer in the really near future.i just want to know if my power supply is enough.if you can guess the upgrade is the grx card.the psu is a 585w AMD Phenom II x4 820 6GB ddr2 ram 5850 ATi XFX card
  15. that is what i tried twice.eachtime the itunes woudnt update.i tried this with itunes version 9.0 and 9.2
  16. hi there.well today i tried to jailbreak my ipod touch.well it woudnt restore and i thougth it was lost.well it restarted not jailbroke but working.does any one know of a site where i can get jailbreaking app for IOS4.0
  17. 9.5/10 good stuff man
  18. and are a dumb bish cuz u dont like fallout 3
  20. here is some hard drives for you to concider 1TB Hitachi: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822145304&cm_re=1tb_hdd-_-22-145-304-_-Product 1.5TB samsung: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822152175&cm_re=1.5tb_hard_drive-_-22-152-175-_-Product 1TB OCZ: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820227519&cm_re=1tb_ssd-_-20-227-519-_-Product
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