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Everything posted by connorss

  1. connorss


    epic sauce
  2. ok true u beat me there i cant wait for amd responce
  3. yeah i know but who actually needs 6 core's.some of my friends who game dotn even need 2 and they get good preformance
  4. The new core i7 980x is fail. like c'mon who's gona pay 999$ for a cpu while amd has a cpu that is around as good for 200$.
  5. connorss


    i know this is rlly late but gratz
  6. thank you peaches
  7. connorss

    breaking 360

    ughh topic stealer much
  8. i like competion and am good at games. but i think mass effect 2 is wut ill get bcuz my frieind can give me his copy.
  9. ok i figured out wut im getting. its for my bday so i cant play till april 10th anyways xbox 360 pro 20gb mass effect mass effect 2 or halo 3 call of duty modern warfare 2
  10. connorss


    wow.... just wow quinn
  11. so im getting a 360 for my bday. well im getting ME1 and MW2 with it. wut other games should i get
  12. fixed it. had to restore it 3 times and re install the new software but its good now
  13. quinn. this is my friends computer and ipod. i not hacking squat sheet on it. if it was mine i would hack i but its my frinds
  14. ok. i have wifi. but it has a lock and the only person who knows the password is my dad. he is on a buissness trip.so no wi fi for now
  15. im not on wifi on y ipod im transfering them from the computer to the touch
  16. sorry peaches i was ina hurry il try it
  17. ok so i jsut got a new ipod touch 3rd gen. i just bought apps from he app store and tryed to dl them on to the touch. it says there isnt enough space for them but i have 4.71gb of space and im dling a 1.4mb app. plz i cant get internet o it fro a whle soo i rlly need help thx.
  18. good song
  19. are you gona get eyefidity
  20. connorss


    looks like it
  21. pc rules
  22. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: hi You: hi Stranger: i said HI You: hello You: so did i Stranger: you will refer to me as master faggot Stranger: oops You: lol Stranger: missed a comma lol Your conversational partner has disconnected. he was a master fagget
  23. it was probably both
  24. all i got is that u raped a bumhole so hard
  25. new computer
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