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Everything posted by connorss

  1. connorss

    Happy 4/20

    iz not rich i just have wayz
  2. connorss

    Happy 4/20

    rebuff:(or wut ev it's called) 1st:i was borred and on ibm for some reason 2nd: i have my ways 3rd :yeea
  3. connorss

    Happy 4/20

    why just celabrate on 4/20 why not every day. multiple times per day
  4. List of games please
  5. barb wire my house,get a barret 50 cal and a shit load of ammo. oh and did i mention a monster truck with a 50. turret
  6. lol when i saw the tital of this topic i knew it was quinn
  7. connorss

    mind rape

    lol at the ending the guy finally put's him out of his misery
  8. connorss

    mind rape

    now try to get threw this
  9. i'll take the durex ;D
  10. yeah its in amaizing condition i keep it dusted every day
  11. it's canadian. no ps3 dosnt suck i just think i wont be playing it as much
  12. so i just got a 360 and i think i wont play between my ps3 and 360. considering this 360 is new i decided to keep it. i need to figure out a price for all of my games and the ps3. here is what im selling. its a long list Playstation 3 80gb 2nd gen (can play ps2 games) Fallout 3 Saints row 2 Shawn white snowboarding grand theft auto san andreas UFC 2009 undisputer naruto ultimate ninja 2 Assasins creed Need for speed carbon uncharted drake's fortune skate 2 call of duty world at war call of duty modern warfare assasins creed 2 call of duty modernwarfare2 god of war collections god of war 3 guitar hero 3 w/ guitar (wireless)
  13. i guess :S
  14. so tomrow is my bday and i got my gifts early i made out gud . my list is :xbox 360 arcade :just cause 2 and prototype for 360 :lord of the rings blu ray box set
  15. sweet ill think about it
  16. iumm it should be worth around 50-60$ but if no 1 buys it can i have it plz
  17. connorss

    new room

    yeah i know. 99% of the stuff in here is going to be replaced with better stuff. like the tv is going to be wall mounted and new monitor and chair.
  18. connorss

    new room

    ok so yesterday my mom moved out of her room. well i decided to take it. the color is a bit retarted but i like it.
  19. .... (loading gun) BOOM!!!
  20. after that video who cares
  21. i did it. it took many asprin at 0:30 and 5L of brandy at 1:00 but i did it
  22. kk then
  23. how good is it on a scale of 1 to 10
  24. epic song
  25. do you guys think this is a good bundle. im thinking of buying it. it should be able to run most games at preety good settings. here's a link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboBundleDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.354295
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