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Everything posted by connorss

  1. meh. halo reach to me isnt a big release so i can wait till x-mas for it.Right now it's fallout new vegas
  2. connorss


  3. shup i gotta work on it tomorow or later tonight. adding pics tomorow night after my repaste
  4. So now we got ******* teddy bears dancing to video games. what's next, T-rex's who carry AK's
  5. How to apply thermal compound/paste Hello there, Welcome to this tutorial of how to apply thermal paste to your computer. In this tutorial we will go on why you should put new paste onto a pre built computer and how to do it. Ok, so let's say you Buy a gateway for example.You open it up. Cut your findgers on some parts and you take off the stock heatskin. If your like me. You have close to none thermal compound left on the cpu/heatskin. Well first thing you gotta do is you have to remove the old thermal compount left from The old stuff.Go to your local walmart,pick up a bottle of Isopropanol. I get 99%. For a 500ml bottle it costs like $3. Once you get that You got to have new paste to apply. Here are brands of paste I recomend. Artic Silver MX-3 http://ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=42378 15$ IC 24 carat diamond http://www.heatsinkfactory.com/ic-diamond-24-carat-thermal-compound.html 20$ Artic silver 5 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835100007&cm_re=artic_silver_5-_-35-100-007-_-Product 10$. I recomend to Not ask at your local futureshop becuase all they have is dynex.Now that you are ready, Open up your computer.Take off the heatsink that is covering your cpu.Now Dip some Q-tips in the Isopropanol and whipe away the grease/reasidue.Taking your paste tube. apply a Pea size dot in the centre of the cpu. With somee Thermal compound pacages you get a spreader. Don't use it, Put the Heatsink on and it will spread the compound out evenly.Now most THermal paste's have a cure time. Mostly for artic silver it's 100 hours.After the cure time it is at "peak" performace.Once you attatch the Heat skin again and close the case your done! you jsut applied thermal paste to your cpu.If you want to You can apply paste to your Northbridge,SOuthbridge and video card. Becarful on the north/south bridge, some times extream measures are needed. I know some one who had to soak it in isopropanol over night then put the heatskin in the oven for 30 minuits!Dont be expecting 10c lower tho in your tempatures if you apply new paste. i say expect 4-5c.Well hope you have fun and dont break your computer . Bye. BTW first tut so dont be harsh and i'll add pics later i'll also add sentinces.busy right now
  6. quake 1 yes. i cant stand first gta myself
  7. quake 1 yes. i cant stand first gta myself
  8. connorss


    canada ftw. wait if you spit in quinn's breakfast.u could of spit on mien on the way back..... (barfs)
  9. connorss


    Oh ur back on ibmz slidell and quinn?
  10. morrowind one of the best games ever
  11. netbook: 1/10 becuase no keyborde... you agree with me? Imac: 8/10. becuase of the price Rate meh soon to be system. CPU: Phenom II x4 820 GPU: GTX 460 RAM:4gb ddr3 1.28TB hdd's( 2 640gb drives) EDIT: orderd.
  12. is in a college computer room with 70,000$ worth of computers.with out tax
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. connorss


      (y) i didnt look around the college but this was one room. concidering it was a media centred place. they prob have mroe rooms of macs. i dunno. im hopeing i can get 260$ mroe for a gaming comp :p
    3. Decatur


      lol that's just the networking room. ie lan switches, routers, hubs, etc. nevermind the computer repair room w/ diagnostic tools
    4. connorss


      oh god. lmfao. well i orderd my computer. :D gotta wait for effing shippin now
  13. connorss


    you do know your not aloud to put pronz on their. right?
  14. **** off that was becasue i was in a rush. like right now i'm at a library usering a god damn imac. crazy stuff amiright?. but yeah probable he would. i saved 148$ bcuz of uinn
  15. happ birthday dude. dont call me a effin homo asswhore
  16. just tell me when u want me to make you a part list and the price limit. i might go like 50$ over limit at most
  17. no, nevar get that. i could make you a list of parts for half of that price that will peraorm preety good
  19. I agree with this. I would say if you got the money to get a 460, after market cooler and some high quality paste.here are some links to what i would recommend. GTX 460: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125333&cm_re=gtx460-_-14-125-333-_-Product After market cooler: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835181010&Tpk=h50 Thermal Paste: http://www.heatsinkfactory.com/ic-diamond-24-carat-thermal-compound.html
  20. X,X,X,O,O,Y,X
  21. What do you use this computer for. i can help u pick out parts and that for ya
  22. got hacked on battle.net.
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