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Everything posted by connorss

  1. went like this for me. first i was like :l then i was like then i was llike :0 then i was like 0_o then 0_0
  2. going as amexican drug/gun/C4/Veicle/Stone for halloween? i'm not dressing up.........
  3. I see a new cpu,do I soon see a overclock? also The mobo looks nice.
  4. **** yeah man, i'd do it
  5. i agree with grunt, after most people quit i say then but while we still have a super small chance (like 1.5%) let us live
  6. 0_o
  7. parting gift ftw, well im parting for the night, time to party ! Lockon, we never finished our team viewer thing xD
  8. for a windows 7 disc i will gives u fo nv :D
    1. Quinn


      Come and get it then :p
    2. connorss
    3. gruntmods


      ^^^^^^^^^the pm says he will also give BJs
  9. fallout new vegas is epicsauce
    1. lostmodz26


      I still haven't gotten it yet.
    2. connorss


      you'll love it, i'm bearly started tho, im in the town novac with the dinosaur, epicsauce
    3. gruntmods
  10. be gone from today till 1:30 PM sunday. Peace dawg
  11. it all depends on what he does and how future proof he wants, I'm guessing he wants like 5-8 years out of this
  12. I agree with most of quinn's post, quad sli is just a mega waste, i would do Dual, and for your motherborde i would get a rampage 3
  13. you shoudnt need to install drivers to use a live CD. I never did when i was on laptop's and i've used ubuntu live CD's on alot of lappy's. And yes, i Agree CD's are better to put linux on but im just sayin you can use a DVD as well
  14. use your friends computer to do these steps 1: downlaod latest version of ubuntu linux 2: put it on a dvd 3: get your windows 7/vista files onto a DVD(remember to write at lowest speeds) on your laptop. 1: enter the bios (should be delete key at start) 2: select your CD/DVDV drive for boot option 3:select boot from cd when you start up 4: go to Gparted and format your hdd 5: shut down after inserting the windows cd/dvd into your dvd drive 6: install windows 7:???? 8:profit
  15. connorss

    sad day

    This made me almost cry i'm not even a 1-year veteran but I'm in love with this site
  16. Think one person saw this coming
  17. demanding bitch fine tomorow. i ran 10 min furmark today and it hit 54c. fullscreen
  18. it's a am3 mobo. a micro-atx borde but still decent. bios is a bit wierd :/ but i like it. no bsod's since the first 1
  19. RESERVED. for tomorow when i can take pics
  20. ight. I did 35 mins mem test and got 0 error's. will run a 100% test 2morrow. i got games and shit to dl >.<.... from steam
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