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Everything posted by connorss

  1. why not.like i can get 30fps on dragon age origins on medium.like i should easily get 100fps on metro.
  2. how would this rig run metro AMD phenomll x4 820 6gbddr1 400mhz 4350 512mb
  3. dude i gave a Fuc3.
  5. i know. i look like im stoned,tired,retarted and soo many more things. but this is the only pic of me i have in like that last year on this comp
  6. this is from 2:00Am this morning. needed sumthing for the yearbook.
  7. so im looking for a sig. i want it to be of the beatles with my name in it.if possible the walrus from i am the walrus.thanks to any1 if you get it done for me
  8. is killing random people on MW2
  9. is killing random people on MW2
  10. is killing random people on MW2
  11. is killing random people on MW2
  12. is killing random people on MW2
  13. is killing random people on MW2
  14. is killing random people on MW2
  15. nice stuff man. 20/10
  16. connorss


    lol PC beats mac almost everytime with stuff like this
  17. connorss


    damn it spoiler i just got it
  18. yeah i know i also hate bad grammar but i have bad gramar soo :s
  19. wow im gona amite it i just was just whopped and i was tirred when i wrote this so that's why my grammar was worse than normal
  20. as many of you guys know pre-builds useually suck becuase the company's skimp out on some things, well i brought my computer to quinn and we opened it up and well there is a couple reasons why we almsot chucked it out his window - we tried to put his 5750 and wireless card into my pre-build and when we were putting it in quinn cut almsot every 1 of his fingers - the crappy thermal paste the put on there products. we switched it and we got an alright decreade and now there is many more he is going to find as he is working on my computer (i feel sorry for youz quinn)
  21. connorss

    Zalman ftw?

  22. connorss

    Zalman ftw?

    thanks quinn, i just saw it (******* bell internet sucks) can u also post a link 2 the 5 dollar thermal paste plz
  23. connorss


    well this is will happen if u say u hate this vid.
  24. i use win7 64 on my main and vista 64 on my laptop
  25. connorss


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUgHi6T69GA&playnext_from=TL&videos=20x0hMEnnWg&feature=rec-fresh%2Bdiv-r-26-HM don't **** with this guy
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