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Everything posted by .dice♥

  1. this is why i dont put any mods on my fileshare.
  2. good job on putting this in the Off Topic section lol, thot u would be better in general discussion but yeah. i knew about this too.
  3. i'm just wondering.. did u try to make it in color but it didn't turn out then u made it black and white by any chance?
  4. it was changing, but other times their where no sounds, it happened in every other game too. but as of now, i removed the fan path way, and moved the dvd drive outta the way and stuck a HUGE house fan on top of it. it doesnt freeze when i do that. but i'll post a pic soon as possible.
  5. okay say if my xbox keeps freezing, but its different from the 3rol. my friend said it was the gpu, since it froze but i still heard sounds in cod4. would this fix, fix it?
  6. what pen lines?
  7. You wanna know what games i play? (Scroll down) HALO 3! COD4!
  8. theres nothing there, barely any effects, bad coloring. i know all u use is M$ paint, but, u should practice photoshop more Legacy. Keep trying.
  9. yeah u didn't pull this off very well, too blury. i dont really see the point to it, like i unno. but i tried making 2 sigs today, and neither one worked out :[
  10. that hurts my eyes too much, its too sketched out. lol.
  11. i got some sick ideas too, and i'm down for competition.
  12. am i envy? whats that supposed to mean.. lol
  14. just one question.. how to watermark? lmao. i could prolly do it, but i wanna know if theres an easy way.
  15. Thank you, and busy with football i'm guessing? You've been gfx slacking, lol.
  16. subs do u want the .psd for learning purposes?
  17. oh i see it now, yeah your right, barely noticeable. i finally thought of the idea to soft erase on my sigs when i made the kerry king LP, greatest thing i started doing lol. well maybe not lol.
  18. i could try to make a tut out of this sig, but i don't know how that would turn out lol. i could upload the .psd tho. and why would melo sh*t himself? lmao
  19. whats different between the second one and the third one?
  20. yeah i gamesaved several games, not to 1000 but over 500. most games u cant SPG tho, sadly..
  21. You are getting better, BUT, its not your best. Like lax said, too monotone. and those lines across the sig does not match. and it does need some other effects.
  22. Thank you Lax! that makes 2 of us and thanks for the tips.
  23. Here is my newest tag, made it 5 minutes ago. and you know what, i love it! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25621-114.png
  24. Link doesnt work anymore.
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