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Everything posted by .dice♥

  1. Ok, PROBLEM FIXED! Locked.
  2. you could have made this way better by interlocking items.
  3. a level reset? oh god. so would it take me forever to level back up?
  4. uber vip? there is one, called STAFF. and how are u likeing the tv tuner?
  5. i've gotten it to work. it only lasts about a day or so. or even a few hours.
  6. Yeah i'll close this topic. If u want to request some sort of "gen" do it elsewhere. (like pm) Locked.
  7. i think i'm gonna do this. ive tried it be4.. but didn't find a sata power supply.
  8. .dice♥

    sksk v2

    is scary kids scaring kids punk? it sounds emo.
  9. wow. i never knew either, THANK U FOR POSTING THIS!
  10. I would not wanna buy those accounts. I wanna be a legit 50.
  11. RTS Games are ment to be played on the PC. But since i have a c r a p p y pc, i picked xbox lol.
  12. I played this, and i LOVED IT!
  13. i was looking forward to seeing a picture of a ugly looking kid so i could make fun, i am sadly disappointed. lol
  14. i think this site is too active. lol. i dont know where to post now
  15. I realized that a few months ago. I just think that would be a very unactive section like the Ps3 section.
  16. i say no. I seen this site as a gaming and electronic related site... not cars.
  17. who cares lol. all u do is flame. I mostly do the same style all the time i know, and i love that style. so there is no problem. GFX is just a past time, its not my life.
  18. I made up a cheesy clan among friends, called Spartan Death Grip (SDG). And he just kinda took that name to himself lol. (i also had a gamertag called Deathgrip14. I got the deathgrip idea from one of Atreyu's cd. And there are currently one member of the SDG clan, as i know of lol. SDG Sniper016 (something like that, wat a loser) and my XBLtag is D1CEx14, and i got the dice part from the intro of battlefield 2 i think :S
  19. This is a gift for -Xc|iMPulz|- on my xlink clan called Xtreme Chaos. I'm very please with it. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16244-612.jpg
  20. funny thinks?
  21. how was i beaking u!? notice the beside "i tell deathgrip everything". that means i'm kidding around.
  22. how did i beak u? :S
  23. are u serious? i want one
  24. i don't doubt it, But i told 4 ppl that were more than happy to hear it.
  25. yeah they do steal alot! i am a proud xbox live banned member haha. they stole my money and banned my box.
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