who cares lol. all u do is flame. I mostly do the same style all the time i know, and i love that style. so there is no problem. GFX is just a past time, its not my life.
I made up a cheesy clan among friends, called Spartan Death Grip (SDG). And he just kinda took that name to himself lol. (i also had a gamertag called Deathgrip14. I got the deathgrip idea from one of Atreyu's cd. And there are currently one member of the SDG clan, as i know of lol. SDG Sniper016 (something like that, wat a loser) and my XBLtag is D1CEx14, and i got the dice part from the intro of battlefield 2 i think :S
This is a gift for -Xc|iMPulz|- on my xlink clan called Xtreme Chaos. I'm very please with it. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/16244-612.jpg