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Everything posted by .dice♥

  1. its like a $%#^%# rainbow. lol. renders face is way too up close and covered up too much. the text may needs some work. not feelin this one sorry.
  2. i see that u overuse that one effect, not sure what its called but u used it in all 3 sigs, and almost every piece that u did. would u call it a glare? well thats what i'm gonna call it lol, and its good for in avatars, and ipod gfx, but not so sure tags/sigs. i also see that u have made "tests". Maybe u should post stuff thats not "tests" please.
  3. lmao, that made me laugh "sex in the woods" and "gift for dice my lover" thanks man!
  4. i have 1 more person be4 u valid
  5. yeah screw the second one, i removed it
  6. added an alternate, something felt missing lol
  7. http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff117/dicex14/MelosGift.jpg I dont wanna add text and mess it up.. lol and i colored the whole thing! it was black and white, i'm happy with this. Enjoy Melo deleted the 2nd one
  8. the text needs work, and i cant really make out the sprite...
  9. .dice♥


    wow, this is nice. i'm not sure what u can all in do in illustrator.. maybe i should get it.
  10. wow, sorry i didn't look at this, the site wasn't exactly up, and i ddidnt have time. u truthy are a snap case.
  11. the D is Lunar Bar and the rest of the text is Dali. whats with everyone wanting me to make people sigs lmao.
  12. okay V2 and V3 are the worst. the outer glow on the render almost ruins it, theres nothing really to this "picture". in my opinion u need to step it up.
  13. the yellow completes it <3 lmao
  14. i dont see why they dont make one that lets u replace any filetype.. like .png!!!
  15. sorry couldn't get on ibotmods... wouldnt let me lol yeah i'm not allowed to say "Lose the lines, and lose the text" so i pretty much have nothing to say.
  16. lol, i usually mess up real bad when i make gifts for people
  17. Peaches pretty much said it all.. lol sorry.
  18. http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff117/dicex14/VenomRawr.jpg I normally use c4d, i tried not using it this time and i think it turned out great. CnC.
  19. commented on this on techgfx but i personall think V2 with the text leaning the right ruins the symmetry. V1 better.
  20. honestly man, i feel so bad for you, going through all that surgery, it must suck balls.
  21. i dont see why u couldnt. if u do mod ur profile and change the armor selection then yes u could.
  22. .dice♥


    okay well, do a text tut please.
  23. .dice♥


    sorry to flame but... common sense? ur saying i have no common sense. Sorry if shit aint going ur way but u need to lighten up man. YES the sig would be plain, but u chose to make it plain by just smudging. so sorry it would be too plain and not a sig? it would still be a TAG maybe u should make your sigs with less HEIGHT then maybe simplier sigs would look BETTER! and offtopic question: Rock Band = Too Easy, i could be piss drunk and still pass High Tides on Expert. also the songs = shit, unless i spend all my money on DLC which is a waste, those songs should've came with the game. i can't wait for Guitar Hero: World Tour to come out and blow rock band away! THIS IS ALL MY OPINION, DO NOT LOCK IT, I NEED TO SEE WHAT SUBS SAYS!
  24. .dice♥


    wow man, i told u the u should remove the text! it makes the whole sig worse! obviously u werent listening.
  25. .dice♥


    Sigs dont need text just so u know, i honestly think it would look better without the text.
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