Deathgrip, SMART THE FU CK UP! sorry for flaming, do u not see the sarcasm and angry in your posts? and You wonder why Everyone hates you (i dont, but still). Please, think be4 u post. If you have nothing good to say, don't say it at all. See that was a dumb thing to say. Of course it doesnt have to be that size. But it could have been taller, or the render could have been shrunk, or moved down.
the lastest firmware can only play stealth patched disks, when u rip your disks they are automatically stealth patched. But if they are not, use DVD Mulletmeter, and use that. also, i strongly advice everyone to use ixtreme 1.4.
I challenge u Lax! Type: Sig. Size: Any size you want. Style: Anything. Rules: Don't rip (just kidding, i know you dont do that) Due Date: TBA D1CE's Entry: Laxmonster54 Entry i'm 100% german, thats right! and i also have my fileshare still too. I do not post mods on my fileshare, and do not support halo 3 modding. I don't support halo 3 modding because there are nearly no good mods. the only thing good i have seen was the barriers, every other mod is dumb. I wish the resigner was never released or made.
i know u can do better lax, no offense. i think you should have made in more narrow, and taller, so u could have gotten more than just the chicks face in there. The first two version are too monotone for my liking. But V3 is where u can actually see the effects, which you did really well, i like that one the best. As for the text, i don't think it really fits well in the sig, i dunno why. The bottom left corner is disturbing also.
its way too.. monotone, too yellow. it would be nice if it was so bright with yellow u know, variety of depth and color. i tried to word that the best i could.