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Everything posted by .dice♥

  1. .dice♥

    Halo DS

    this was canceled cause Microsoft wanted halo to be exclusive to xbox and pc.
  2. .dice♥


    reminds me of the killers first album... lol
  3. .dice♥


    okay to do a border, u create a new layer, then apply image. then go to edit->stroke. then select and pxl size and color
  4. i made the star from scratch, then i threw the tree in it, and the line c4d behind it which was totally useless haha. lighting effects etc etc. like around 2 hours total
  5. i say chilleh takes it
  6. actually i'm looking forward to this
  7. 10$ optional for ppl who dont post at all and dont spam is a good idea. good for raising money for dear peachez haa
  8. .dice♥


    okay so in an hour it took u to make a shitty background (no offense, nothing going on in it) and okay text? DO TUTS!
  9. need to brighten it up a bit bra lol
  10. http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff117/dicex14/EVILCHRISTMASSTTARR.png
  11. curtis does less gfx than cody, curtis reads tuts and follows them, cody doesn't read tuts. curtis = epic win.
  12. .dice♥


    thanks for trying it lol and dont worry u'll get better
  13. yeah umm sitll cant make it out sorry
  14. .dice♥

    Dino Electrix

    thats hawt! Rawr!
  15. i have no idea what the @#%$ is going on in the sig. WHAT HUNTER?
  16. ok next tut i do make, it'll be way easier! trust me i think i was kinda lazy on this one.. my bad
  17. maybe its time to upgrade melo
  18. u did my tut, i am happy. but what steps could u not do?
  19. i never said i was going to use the ones from live now did i. u know when u beat insane on gears of war? and u get that gamerpic. yeah thats not a live container. ITS A CON. So yeah. POSSIBLE.
  20. i was there too, i joined maybe a month or so after ibotmodz was released. i just didn't spend my life on the site. pretty much downloaded the halo mods
  21. .dice♥


    lol when i had cs2. the apply image was in the exact same spot as in cs3
  22. .dice♥

    The Fall

    maybe i'll try that. btw this was a stock
  23. .dice♥

    The Fall

  24. same render
  25. .dice♥

    The Fall

    http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff117/dicex14/TheFall-1.png CnC. edited: Removed the gay text.. and i'm done with this piece of s*** sig.
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