its just a render with outer glow on a plain background that has text. To me, the whole name thing of your best friends is kinda gay, not to be rude or anything. I'm pretty sure DeathGrip would agree with me.
okay, i'm going to tell you to go here and register. Then scroll down to near the bottom, and click on Tutorials. I want you to do about 5 tuts from there. It doesn't matter what ones, as long as your learning more and more from those tuts and expanding your skill. also back when Cesar, Caratti, and Anarchy were active here, they told the TRUTH. They said exactly whats wrong, and in lots of cases how much they SUCKED. So i got the urge to get better, because i didn;t wanna take the s H i t from them. They seemed like d i c k s but it was the truth.
if u look at it. think the arm stops right before it gets light if u know what i mean. EDIT: ADDED 2 MORE! v2 and v3 fixed Enormous Arm. V2 Different Color. V3 Black and White.
Heres the sig i'm using in the battle against MeLo. Vote Here. i'm happy with this sig, needs a lil work but i like it.
this is almost like vector but not really. its a different style, but i'm not sure if i like all those colors lol. I think Nurato should have been centered more, but thats my opinion. 7/10
uh switch me? F U K THAT. yeah sure i never posted a sig in awhile, but guess what.. a made a LP last night, thought it was time and i will be doing more. and subs, yes you need some more practice bra. PS: Sorry for posting in a closed topic. EDIT: umm.. if i'm ever being closed to betting kicked from the team, tell me and i will make sig like a m u t ha f uk a
thanks for the feedback lax. i'll try to do something with that light on his hands. and mess with blending and what not, then release a second version, hopefully better. edit: I'm working on it again, and wow does it ever blend better!