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Everything posted by .dice♥

  1. hacking it id say is not worth it, unless u have 2 xboxes. also heres an online tut xbox CLICK HERE
  2. You need a good ratio, then go to control panel, Generate invite. What do you mean by good ratio? as in equal download's and uploads? I don't even know, enough to generate an account. I got mine at ratio 0.25 lol my ratio is 0.33 or something close to that. thats not as bad as my xbox sky account.. 0.005 i'm such a leech lol. yeah i can still generate accounts too, so thats good.
  3. Thanks for making/posting this Bio Toxic Paech. Hopefully members will read this be4 they tryout.
  4. .dice♥

    Kerry King LP

    Here is my first LP. I am looking for things to change on it, but tell me what you think and be honest. and GFX team, tell all users that make sigs what there missing. Don't just say it looks good, or your improving. You need to tell why its good, or in some cases bad. Be Crucial Please. And here is my first LP! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23873-210.png Modified Version: Better Blended, Tried to make Picking Hand more visible. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/23873-211.png
  5. No offense, but u could do better Melo.
  6. Slipstream, we cannot just let u in because you want to. You need to be at lease Novice or Intermediate. The GFX team can help you get better, but we're not just going to let you in. Please just accept that.
  7. i clearly did read the post, and like every other application it was needed to show some of your work. We might as well put bigjoe in gfx. i need to see some work be4 i say yes, sorry.
  8. i'm pretty sure u need to post some of your work.
  9. how bout we give this one to lax and melo. its gonna take too long to get to 10.
  10. .dice♥


    omg do u guys think its a CON RESIGNER? haha.
  11. i don't have one, but i know a great alternative. http://blueshadowz.info/news.php
  12. oh that makes sense lol
  13. u add more layers huh? layers of what? lol spammer. lol sorry.
  14. no one answered me. what is freestyle?
  15. REALLY? thats a great idea!! LMAO And where the ##$% does it say that at? its not in this thread. lol. its a joke, peaches didn't say that.
  16. yeah death started the render off to the left so it was hard yeah i know the border is bad, just tryed something new. I've always gotten "bad text", so please someone, tell me what a "good text" looks like. since the ibot gfx team is the best in the world * u w i s h * REALLY? thats a great idea!! LMAO
  17. i give it a 6/10 not bad. First sig in awhile.
  18. what the hell is freestyle? and melo i was way more active than u for a month. everyday man.
  19. so only spawn one item on the map?
  20. lol i made my own account. way easier.
  21. i kinda wwant in on this.
  22. .dice♥

    sksk v2

    i was kidding about the emo thing lol. i'm not sure what u all did to the cover tho..
  23. i use these, cause i dont care about acheivements. and i hate having no guns.
  24. the 3rd gen nano's firmware is encrypted. no one has cracked it yet.
  25. absolutely NO CLONES!
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