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Everything posted by .dice♥

  1. .dice♥


    Critic should make some sigs of his own.
  2. guess what though!!??, he's not rude. oh yeah pwned. lol
  3. .dice♥


    beautiful?? lol??
  4. empty space? ur such a critic. i was just following the tut.
  5. .NKE wow, i think he rips check this out. These sigs were both in the same forum topic in Tech-GFX here http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/11261-296.png http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/11261-297.png and he posted both sigs in this topic here Maybe the one was a gift, i don't think so.
  6. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/11218-298.jpg
  7. 708 close it
  8. fairly easy, recommended for iBot Peaches. i think he should try it and post his outcome. haha, is there much humor in that?
  9. i guess u got ipodwizard to work, lol.
  10. i'll try to explain it also. Step one: Create a new layer. Then pick a random brush, doesn't matter what color, and paint it on the layer, then hide that layer. (for reference this will be layer 1) Step two: Create a new layer. Apply Image, then go to Layer -> Create Clipping Mask. (for reference this will be layer 2) Step three: Unhide layer 1, then move layer 2 around till u get something that looks good.
  11. .dice♥

    GFX tryout

    if u ask me, yes. got more skills than me, thats forsure.
  12. well posting it would go against what it says at the bottom of the tut... lol
  13. yeah its too small, lol too blurry on background if u know what i mean
  14. i think the tuts would be not bad, but wouldn't it be a mess?
  15. I know im going out on a limb here but... Peaches... Honestly don't snap on your members. I sounds like you've been quite upset recently. So just cheer up please? And if your dash doesn't work after those instructions PM me. just cause he said "OMG" doesn't mean that he was snapping. your not the one to be telling what to do on his own site.
  16. pretty nice, could u up a full size one?
  17. here is the tut : CLICK ME here is the Resources: CLICK ME
  18. alright sounds good bro
  19. .dice♥


    its F'n sweet, but do u know if that a guy or girl, cause japanese girls are HOTT.
  20. try the tut lol, i wanna see your outcome
  21. not as nice as ur think sig lol thanks tho... i really suck at text
  22. Here's my 1st ever Vector Tag, and yes i used a tut. This is also my GFX Battle Entry. http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff117/dicex14/ShadowVector-1.png?t=1207612143
  23. well heres my Entry: http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff117/dicex14/ShadowVector-1.png?t=1207612143 First Vector Tag Ever.
  24. OK WEEK TWO! (didn't have time to compete) and lax, continue on with this thread, we don't need multiple threads. Just edit this thread to add the Poll. Once the voting is done, delete the poll by editing again, and post the winner.
  25. that's ******** that he won. sig was not the greatest (far from it) imo
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