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Everything posted by .dice♥

  1. whoa whoa whoa... omg omg omg omg. sorry for the spam but damn, better than me now. semi-pro>? lol
  2. 1 question.. why is mlg the laggest playlist? lmao
  3. yeah i know. anarchy, no offense, u shouldn't have said sexxxxxxxxxy. cause in reality ur not i'm sorry. i may be a guy, but i know a good looking person when i see one. anyways heres me. http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff117/dicex14/Untitledcopy.jpg
  4. my gears is too scratched :| but i'm going to get it resurfaced. also i need time to recover my skills lol. whoever wants me on there team can have me! also i can only host 6.
  5. i'm a 24 in swat lol my gt is: D1CEx14
  6. emo girls are so hot, but.. they are never $%#^%# happy...
  7. Lens flare? hell no. Render isnt that great is right. Doesn't necessarily need c4d...
  8. .dice♥

    Anime 08

    now i like this one, but the render sticks out so much.. the edges.
  9. yeah it was necessary. u need to know it.
  10. thnks u
  11. can u upload stock, and c4d that u used please
  12. also i like V1 the best not a fan of the border.
  13. MAKE A TUT RIGHT @#%$ING NOW!! :]
  14. pretty sure u cant hotswap on 360.
  15. .dice♥


    No1 has cracked gh3's audio structure for xbox 360. BUT! u can mod gh2 on 360, if u want to do that, go to scorehero.com's forum, and then go to software. that'll be the right direction
  16. .dice♥


    exactly what he said xD
  17. stop being such a girl. suck it up. also, anarchy ur ideas are amazing
  18. need more fx, bad lighting. also the fx u got there aren't good.
  19. i'm sad i cant get this till fall
  20. I LUV IT!
  21. http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff117/dicex14/Charmander.png
  22. depends. but i say complex pulled off well is way better.
  23. edit: opened, didnt know he was only six... lol
  24. okay sorry for posting in a locked topic but, U FISHED THAT ACCOUNT! thats pretty lame. IF UR GOING TO SELL @#%$ING ACCOUNTS! @#%$ING PAY FOR THEM YOURSELF THEN @#%$ING SELL THEM! U are low, really low. and no i'm not going to edit this post. i got my s*** straight, u and pimpin tyler need to get out more.
  25. your $%#^%# stupid!!!!
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