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Everything posted by .dice♥

  1. can u play a game when u start it up with it in the tray?
  2. i'll add u, but i won't be able to play on live for about 2 to 3 weeks or so. also i was working on tapping the intro, and was getting somewhat, but i ended up going too fast. so now i just do it one handed, tapping 2 3rds of it lol.
  3. Prince Albert, SK
  4. .dice♥

    Open Up

    thats a terrible bump man, and smokiest i didn't make this sig the far back.
  5. i won't be able to play for liek 2 weeks, i'm moving. and won;t have internet for a bit.
  6. notice how i said "good partner" someone that actually can beat through the fire and flames almost everytime.
  7. my votes in. and no i did not vote for myself lol.
  8. oh really, i can only get 87% on ttfaf (for now) but still 4 star it. lol. well maybe i should take the guitar hero outta my sig.. modder are u registered to scorehero.com? because they're doing a co-op compitition thing and i need a good partner. Interested?
  9. .dice♥


    you should enter one of them in this battle
  10. .dice♥

    3rd sig

    umm ur going to have to do more than just 3 sigs. you need to get more experience. if anyone's getting a gfx position right now it would be noodle, so just keep making more sigs(and take your time on them). as for this one, its alot better than your previous 2, so keep it up.
  11. Welcome! Get working on those sigs.
  12. Yeah i think so, unless someone comes up better idea. lol
  13. yeah i thought it was a great idea too, hopefully it works out also remember that Anyone Can Join!
  14. TOPIC CLEANED AND REOPENED I honestly saw no point to gfx anymore, unless it was a competition. So I (D1CEx14) and laxmonster54 bring u the GFX League of iBotModz Every week, a user makes a sig using a render/stock in the weeks theme category. Example: Video Game Characters http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10209-398.jpg When and what themes? The theme will be posted every Wednesday, and will be due every Friday at Midnight. Here is the list of themes: The New competition theme will be chosen by the competition winner from the previous week. Where do i post my Sig? Post your sig in this Thread, Me or Laxmonster54 will make the poll When does voting happen? Voting will take place of a period of two days: Saturday and Sunday Other Rules 1. Do Not Rip Tags. Using tuts to make your tag is fine. 2. Do Not Spam This Thread and/or Get Off Topic. (Your post will be deleted, it is fine to say you goning to do it, if you dont, the post will be deleted) 3. I will not include Late Entries. 4. If you manage to make a better tag before the dead line, and already submitted your entry, your welcome to change it. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/10209-399.png Week 1: PhotoManip
  15. why'd u leave in the first place?
  16. Guitar hero! I play Expert. Think u can take me on Live?
  17. .dice♥

    My secod sig

    look at everyone else's sigs, see whats better in theres, and try to do the same by reading tuts. One thing tho is to blend the render into the sig, use similar color, use effects (don't overdo) and don't let the text stick out so much, this all can be learnt from tuts.
  18. i never really did like call of duty, but cod 4 is not bad, i get raped so i don't play it that much, and i learn to hate it. lol
  19. only possible with memory units (memory cards)
  20. Link
  21. Totally agree. The old site is a perfect example. I highly doubt anyone on this site would even come close to cracking the audio structure for Guitar Hero 3. someone has, but won't release it the guy posted on youtube showing his custom gh3 for 360.
  22. just say what u think, and hopefully they'll get better and this tag seems kinda focused to the top, and blank on the bottom.
  23. if we focused the site on one thing, wouldn't it attract ppl more that way? cause before it was all HALO, and ppl that loved halo went to this site. but now, we have nothing new to offer, like for instance new mods that are in. i honestly think someone should learn to mod a certain game and well, make mods for it. one thing i could think of is cracking gh3's audio structure, but i don't think anyone here plays guitar hero, and mods 360...
  24. i know i'm in gfx and haven't been active, i've been caught up in guitar hero lol. tags don't really appeal to me very much anymore, i don't know if i deserve to be on the team.
  25. whoa dude! thats pretty wicked, i give u an A, first one ever too lol.
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