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Everything posted by blacklabelfosho

  1. i would like to apply central standard time
  2. hes invunerable at that time. tried it. trust me.... it dnt work i sat in a tank and shot him a good 4 or 5 times b4 he killed me and it didn't make him hurt or anything
  3. i really dnt care if he claims to be in a gang just dont double post lol. back to this Jack guy. don't bother with him. its creepy that he even pm'ed you that crap
  4. im just gnna take the modz off my fileshare. thats about it uhhm... yeah i quit h3 for a long time bc MM was boring and Forging wasn't fun yet. so i baseically didn't start playing until you guys started talking about these modded maps
  5. i haven't done it in a long time at one time though i had about 400k M$ points
  6. o and now everyone is like duh! its on game saves .com you know most of us didn't know it was there. now onto rehash and a tut
  7. Sprint son
  8. nielsss... you know i luh you bro... how bout a brothaly gesture with that con/hasher and maybe a tut on that sh!t on how to use. muchly appreciated. lol im sure i would already have it if i could just fking play on xbl with you. i fking hate my damn internet connection.
  9. i always take a huge dump and it gets rid of my hiccups
  10. personally i dn't think this whole keeping the .con resigners to yourself thing is in any way helpful to the beginnings of h3 modding. i think that if you have one.. fking release it so h3 modding can explode like h2 modding was. only then will you see true... very cool mods. yes i understand the whole point of getting rep and stuff.. but listen... almost every person that has the con resigner... is known throughout the halo modding universe. you enter any modding room and you will hear kids talking sh!t on them, or talking cool about them hey at least your name is out there. ppl like me, who modded the sh!t out of h2. dnt have our names out there. and making a BA h3 mod that everyone likes could be our ticket to fking REP. now your names are out there. you have the resigners. present them with open arms and we will fully accept your gracious gift. and your names aren't just going to dissapear. so hurry teh *** up already. MM sucks mongoose tracks are fun... for like 1 minute forging gets boring by yourself campaign... dont even go there.... just release the damn resigner already lol. promise not to mod in MM
  11. my xSata broke too .... and i only got to use it once... damn sad times im not going to buy the xPort till i have a .con resigner, and know it works
  12. bc its not sligstorms map boarding action was cool hell was stupid pit was awesome
  13. i know what your coding secret is u need to keep your p2p off lol i used GO2MYPC on your computer to see what you were up to lol
  14. how about... i will follow you into the dark - Death Cab for Cutie Guardian Angel - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus 2 step remix - some black dood
  15. i will dl after i see pic's then vote
  16. final fantasy ---- i think it was called crisis core? was a stupendous game
  17. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/14164-93.gif
  18. october 12, 1988
  19. i dnt like it... she doesn't blend with the bg... lots o ripple effect and wtf up with the random circle top left?
  20. dont play FLyff it sucks!
  21. awe... damn. how did you break it?
  22. yeh... only thing i wish it had. is if it still showed who all was online.
  23. i play a MMORPG called Rappelz. very fun game. its a very simple game. not hard to figure out. but i find it a great get away from the bordom that is H3
  24. my xSata broke too damn sh!tty products...
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