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Everything posted by blacklabelfosho

  1. viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1365
  2. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4687-205.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4687-206.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4687-207.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4687-208.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4687-209.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4687-210.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4687-211.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4687-212.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4687-213.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4687-214.jpg http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y75/la_migra_okay/tut%20for%20noobs/tut11.jpg http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y75/la_migra_okay/tut%20for%20noobs/tut12.jpg
  3. wow how u gnna send it? in an email? dood maps are freaking huge to try to dl man. open up ur sppf patching program. look at the top part of the patcher. click on the first disk on the top right corner of the program. then in the filename txt box put... silencedcity the txtbox beneath that should already say "Super PPF (*.sppf) then click save. then click the disk right below the other disk u pushed and click it. then find on your computer a copy of your map that u modded. (Ex. if u modded coagulation, find a clean version of coagulation.map on your computer.) then click open. then click on the third disk down on the top right side. Find the copy of your modded map. and click open. then just below all three of those txt boxes is a big button that says Create SPPF Patch Create SPPF Patch. in blue letters. click the huge ass button. then host ur map on any of ur file hosting sites. then send us the damn link if u cant figure it out from this tut u are re re... and obviously the only way u can learn is from pictures. if u cant figure it out though from this... i guess i will take screen shots but this tut is freaking unbelievably descriptive
  4. just use the top part of the sppf patching program. u always use the bottom to patch clean maps, the top part is for making patches of modded maps. in the first box put whatever u want the patch to be named. Ex. silencedcity.sppf in the second box click on the disk and find your copy of a clean map. in the third box click on the disk and find your modded map. then click on the big a$$ button right beneath it.
  5. i can prolly take pics for you. y dont u just post a link to it. make a patch though.. itll take too long drying to dl the whole map
  6. lol im making a campaign mod over the break, just bc im bored... i dnt have l33t modding skillz so it prolly aint gnna be that great, but o well. we shall see
  7. a 2d version of halo... http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4524-238.jpg u kids love it i know http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M6ND7ZWW
  8. my xbox = hardmodded. every other xbox in the town that i live = softmodded by me. so i put hardmodded bc my xbox is hardmodded. and i dont believe in modding on xbl. im thinking about softmodding my 360 though. i want to be able to play burned disks. so thats prolly the route ima take. but i cant figure out how to flash my firmware... anyways. hardmodder i is. even though everyone else on this site = softmodder and since i know how to softmod too
  9. YO YO YO my Gt' is: Scary lil boy i DO NOT mod on xbl. do not ask me. ever! i refuse to
  10. lolz damn u kids got high hopes:) i remember back in jr high... wanting to be a CIA agent now all i want is to become a high school band director at some podunk town out in the middle of bumf(_)ck nowhere oklahoma.
  11. i just dont like stupid people and i like tranquility i just now got my 360 back from xbl... i got the 3 lights of death or w/e ukids wanna call it. im hoping for COD4 for christmas. its the only thing i asked my parents for so they better damn we get it. if not i got 68 bucks in my bank account for it
  12. yah this update happened a while back. i would still go in, because i would have just enough time to jump across warlock on a ctf game jump all the way across get a quad-kill grab flag and jump across score, then get booted off. so my team would automatically have a better chance with the 1'st score
  13. i just got my 360 back from xbl maybe ill get to play
  14. damn... im 19! that aint old!
  15. full version... and u dont install onto computer. just open and run the .exe out of the folder. its a standalone program
  16. not found by me!!!!!! just figured u kids would like it. the name says photoshop cs3 portable, requires no installation just double click and your on your way Download http://files.filefront.com/PhotoshopCS4Por...;/fileinfo.html NEW LINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. rappelz! its majestical man. my friend got me started on it and i brought it to college with me and now like 8 of my friends here all meet up in the computer lab on sunday and play like all day. its really fun man.. all u kids need to join up ! my name on rappelz is yah you guessed it.... blacklabelfosho
  18. 20 beat downs? jezzuz wtf were u using? mauler?
  19. lol *high five* Nostradamus. h2 modding was dieing even before h3 came out. lolz and just to tell u. once h3 modding is spreading like wildfire. ull come back. and u will have as much respect then as u do now, bc of ur a$$holish posts that u make like this, bc u for some reason think you are better than everybody else. so *high five*.... maybe not... u prolly just got done jerking off to porn thats on ur computer screen... tell me. how many hours do u spend on the computer? or playing on h3 trying to get your level 40? this is the problem that we had on the last site. people need to quit acting they are all tough sh!t. jeez. quit being a$$holes and if u have an opinion about something that you think is wrong with the site. PM. dont post it to where we have to tell you how much of an a$$hole u are. keep your damn comments to yourself... damn kids. how many times do i have to say it.... GR0W th3 f(_)ck up. someone close this sh!t
  20. I LIKE i see it as good art, but i dnt really understand y this would be considered a signature. thats what i guess i never saw a point in stuff like this. it doesnt have meaning. guess i aint very artsy lol. but i love the way it looks dood... really cool.
  21. yay they are installing flash chat! MY IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. alright then. heres a tut on how to change the glass thats on the floor in the middle of the arena, and over the rest of the map... 1 open dot halo 2 go to the bitm tag 3 scroll down untill you see the tag called "scenariosbitmapsmultilockoutglass_floor" 4 click on extract Bitmap 5 open photoshop 6 open the bitm. make sure u have the plugin to open .dds files, and make sure when u open it, u click on the option to load mid maps. 7 click on the channels tab in the bottom right hand corner of your screen. 8 click on the alpha channel. 9 change the channel to whatever u want the glass floor to look like. white is see through. black is not see through.(make sure you only use black and white. and make sure u dont change the size of the image) 10 save the .dds as a dxt5 11 inject the bitm 12 save changes 13 fix encryption 14 ftp 15 enjoy the exact same steps are used on the falling snow. the bitm is scenariosbitmapssolosentinelhqsnow_flake just change the alpha on that bitm to whatever you want. making sure u only use black and white. 'note the snowflakes fall very fast and most of the time are very hard to see what you change them to. dont use some extravagent symbol like i didnt because they look like snow flakes still. i had to stop time to see the symbols on my mod, but they are changed. this is more of one of the little things that you could put into your mod to make it a little more personal. but really you are the only one that is going to notice it.
  23. wow. umm all maps? i dont think i like the layout of really any of them. they took a completely good map like zanzibar, and ruined it by adding too much crap into the map, and its just horrible now. so i dont like really any of the maps. h3 - huge dissappointment
  24. alright dammit kids. seriously 1. you have no right to ever not like someone on a forum. there is no reason to. you dont know that person, and if u choose to not be on a forum bc they are admin, bc they are twice as active as you are, ur just being a selfish childish pos that needs to grow up. 2. post count, really? is that even a real excuse for not coming back to a forum you used to be very active at? they change to a newer and better site, and they forget from the 6000 ppl that were on the old site your post count, and you take it out on them by not coming to the new site? com on man... i havent gotten my post count back either, and i only asked once. if peaches doesnt think u deserve ur post count rank back, or just doesnt care enough to put it back up, just deal with it man. its a freaking halo 2 modding forum, and if u havent noticed halo 2 modding is pretty much dead now anyways. in conclusion. i feel that u were a very good contributer to the old site, and really u only did it for the respect. and its really sad that you didnt do modding to hav fun with it, but to try to become famous or something. lol. its a damn game, even some of the best modders, still dont get anything special for making amazing mods. all they get are long days infront of their computer screen. no girlfriend. long jerkoff sessions while infront of their computer. and when they finally make a great mod. its added to a mappack. and they dont get paid or anything. they dont get anything out of it except for the fact that it was fun, and thats all i modded halo2 for. was for the fun of it. and for the longest time i didnt do any modding. did u know that i became a global moderator of the old site with out knowing a single thing about making my own mods? i didnt even know how to make a person run fast or jump high. moderator is earned. and the way i earned it was by helping so many damn people actually mod their xboxes. i spent prolly hours on end in that damn chatbox on the old site, walking people step by step going from non modded dash to all their new maps modded, and them playing with me on xbl with them, and spawn modding the sh!t out of all their friends on their friends list. what made me do this you ask? no not for the respect i got from the people that i helped, but for the sound of their voices on xbl as they held their trigger while aiming at a wall and getting killamanjaro after killamanjaro, and hearing their laughing as i died from their rocket launcher that shot out AA sniper rounds. i guess ive heard so many kids leave because they say they didnt think that they were getting the respect they deserved from a forum. and its really a bunch of crap. the exact reason you dont get the respect u THINK you deserve is because you post these selfish polls about whether or not you think anyone else cares whether you stay or not grow up. not everything is about you
  25. well obviously h2 modding is dead now. and h3 is a HUGE dissappointment for me. 6 hour campaign, even on legendary... and multiplayer is soo glitchy.... i dnno i just dnt like the feel of h3. its okay. but call of duty 4 = much better game. anywayz. i was bored, and sitting at home. 360 broke bc of the damn ring of death but ive vented enough on that. so i decided to play around with some mods lol, i really just wanted to make some fun stuff for my friends in my fraternity to play on. so its not any proj swaps or anything, bc i still wanted the map to be the exact same, just with fun stuff added into it the symbol u see everywhere is my fraternity crest, and im damn proud to be a member of KKY. anyways, im not gnna post this mod for dl, just posting some pics bc im chillin at home, stuffed with turkey from THANKSGIVING, and i wanted you all to not give up on h2 modding until h3 modding is running rampant. anyways on to the pics. me http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3233-479.jpg glass in green room, with picture of my puppy inside the cells http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3233-480.jpg snow changed to my fraternitys crest http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3233-481.jpg another image of the falling snow changed to the crest http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3233-482.jpg the explodeable boxes in the map. they light up http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3233-483.jpg glass in the middle of the map, with seethrough crest in it http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3233-484.jpg crosshair on the battle rifle changed to the KKY crest http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3233-485.jpg i know its not much, but i still want people to come to this site, and to not give up on h2 modding completely. its still fun people! h3 is boring! anyways, i had fun today, now back to college i go tomorrow. damn damn damn.
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