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Everything posted by blacklabelfosho

  1. i have a laptop cant open mine or i would lose my warrenty
  2. alright, is there a psp emulator? or can i put these on a jump drive and plug it into my psp?
  3. you need somethign that can let you get into your 360 HDD. called xSata or XPort. both work fine. then get a program called Xplorer-360. then you can just add your modded h2 maps to your 360 HDD
  4. blacklabelfosho


    my sata works fine. i just checked it to make sure lol
  5. damn i wish i was part of it too. is anyone part of the site that can give inv?
  6. run an anti virus scan. if its not a virus. is it affecting other programs? if so is it the same error code on other programs?
  7. i really like it bro. gz! i hope crazy eights likes it too. it looks rustic/majestic
  8. great first mod. i enjoy seeing new people getting to make their mod dreams a reality. glad to help
  9. i use a program called audacity. mainly for ringtones and such
  10. whatever the color of the v@gin@ that im with at that time
  11. cant be xbl compatible. i dnt know what you could use for neons, but i know that if you inject anything into the map its not xbl compatible. so jackels aren't possible. if anyone has idea's on the neon let me know. ill try to make it work
  12. im working on getting the things to come out of the SMG. using brute shot contrail with needler proj. but they are still appearing purple... dnno why. ill keep trying though
  13. alright i wanna bump this. anyone wanna do the weapon skins for the map? i skinned the entire map a light blue with a very white look. it looks cold as sh!t trust me. but im lazy i just wanna c if someone wants to do the weapon swaps and stuff
  14. i like snow cones . but seriously anything that should be added?
  15. im working on this right now. i hope you like it... do you just want a skin and those few proj swaps? i dnno how to make the smg shoot snow w/ still making it work on xbl, but i can make it shoot like white needlers?
  16. i like being able to forge elephants. making Elephantitis^ was the sh!t. me and woodley bonner worked hours on that map
  17. i have so many gay friends. they are just the same as us. they feel the same heartbreak. they feel the same pain. they just like to feel things in their buttholes also. i personally think if you are against gay people you are a closed minded person, but that is okay. just ***ing think before you open your damn mouth when you see a gay couple. bc the last thing you want is two gay doods kick your ass. most of them aren't afraid to kick and scream and claw. kind of like fighting a girl. it will fking hurt. it won't be blunt trauma.... but you will be blind from claws to the face... and probably a lot of blows to your junk will be dealt. so if you are against gay people. keep it to your fking self
  18. nope you did your math wrong bro. the way you do it is 48! which is (48 * 1) +(48 * 2) +(48 * 3) +(48 * 4) +(48 * 5) +(48 * 6) +(48 * 7) +(48 * +(48 * 9) +(48 * 10) +(48 * 11) +(48 * 12) +(48 * 13) +(48 * 14) +(48 * 15) +(48 * 16) +(48 * 17) +(48 * 18) +(48 * 19) +(48 * 20) +(48 * 21) +(48 * 22) +(48 * 23) +(48 * 24) +(48 * 25) +(48 * 26) +(48 * 27) +(48 * 28) +(48 * 29) +(48 * 30) +(48 * 31) +(48 * 32) +(48 * 33) +(48 * 34) +(48 * 35) +(48 * 36) +(48 * 37) +(48 * 38) +(48 * 39) +(48 * 40) +(48 * 41) +(48 * 42) +(48 * 43) +(48 * 44) +(48 * 45) +(48 * 46) +(48 * 47) and thats just for the upper and lower case letters... not including the symbols.... there are basically unlimited number of videos that can be uploaded
  19. lol, i would be pissed if i was one of those guys who has like 12k xp
  20. lol, the last resort looks funny as hell
  21. i don't have problems with it slowing down my computer bc it isn't an overlay theme like a lot of other theme's. this one is actually installed and used as just another theme
  22. i like it. i think the color woulda been better with this one though. and you sharp the picture a little too much. it looks very awesome though
  23. its pretty cool bro. the guy doesn't really go with the BG though. thx muchly for the sig man very cool. i loved casino royal. great movie and this guy was a complete BA
  24. dood i got hit by that storm yesturday about 5 p.m. the power went out in the entire town until 11:30p.m. i hadn't eaten anything yet, i skipped lunch to go to a friends house. so me and my roommate were stuck in the storm shelter w/ nothing to eat. also im in college and there are a bunch of like high schoolers here for summer camps and they all didn't get any dinner yesturday bc they are required to go to bed at 10. LOL! so basically yesturday really sucked. there were power lines down everywhere, vehicles flipped over. there was a semi flipped over in the middle of main street. it had flipped over and slide sideways, so there was no way past it.
  25. lol, Oklahoma
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