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Everything posted by blacklabelfosho

  1. u have to inject the soccerball onto containment, so the map wont work on xbl... at least no one will be able to join you.... 2nd you have to add collision to the ball. 3... i have no idea how to add collision to the ball lol. its the same as adding trees to maps, or any other bloc tag... im sure peaches has a tut for adding collisions to bloc's... but the map wont be playable on xbl bro. if u EVER inject anything into the map... the map will be larger than the origional and other people wont load the map
  2. v2 is teh majesty lax!!!! angelina jolee is fking fine
  3. ... i stayed in school for the summer college classes whoopin my butthole lol
  4. it looks awesome on my screen. i love it, its kinda small, but its still mamazing. 9.1/10 love guitar. its teh smex
  5. he prolly found the tut on how to make the MC look all black. then he added a little ipod and used pen tool to make the headphone cords... its an old tut... im hoping he isn't going to rip. bc i still know where the pic is
  6. no it happens in the middle of the day... people are DDos'ing our site... thats all it is. we have tried and tried to stop em... but its just not working. srry that the site goes down
  7. fav = B!tch stole my fish
  8. i like it bc... well sh!t mostly good people. everyonce in a while some kidos get all butt hurt about some minor thing.. or someone steals a mod... and everyone shuns him.. but overall its a good community... good people... good moderators... good admins... and the most of all good members. keep on coming back for all ur computer/halo/life needs. nvm on the life crap... i dnt care if your cat died... cats go to hell.. but if your dog dies... thats sad dont ever let your dog die...
  9. i uhh. tried playing that game once... i got through the strenuous tutorial... then went out into the wild... chopped down a tree... started a fire... ate some fish... got pk'ed... ripped out my keyboard... tossed it across the room... took a dump on it... then vowed never to waste my time on that retarded a$$ game ever again.
  10. happening sucked. i agree. it was another killer plant movie. and the ending... worst ending ever
  11. sad times, o well. at least kids are learning wat is important in life
  12. good to see you are putting your life over your games. ill get to see you around though.
  13. damn, hate to see you go bro... ill still chill wit u onlive though. and fk around on msn.
  14. ull just have to make each weapon have 1 bullet.
  15. shawn of the dead. FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you know its the best.
  16. upload your screenshots man... lol and learn to spell Armageddon right
  17. i got pwnd by my geography test yesturday
  18. its a simple usb to firmware cord. you can get em anywhere. h3 modding is different from h2 modding. we don't .map mod yet. .maps are injected into a .live file so we can't mod them yet right now all modding is, is the hex editing of your usermap. (custom forge maps) and resigning with a .con resigner. so dl the actual maps. then get the identifyers for what you want to swap on your usermap. then open up the usermap in any hex editor. then just search for the origional iD of what you placed ont he map, and replace it with the item you want to put on the map. very simple process. just don't have a resigner so im not bothering with it yet.
  19. i just mute them. in CoD4. just when you get in a room. open up your recent players list and go to their name and mute. simple
  20. we also could have a system. kindof like the rep system. but it is more like a thank system like if you read a post and you like it, you thank the person who posted it.
  21. that is a huge fking heatsink
  22. just gamesave signing and reuploading to your own gamertag. usually you have to use a SPG to get the achievements second profile glitch. this is an old system of getting a high gamerscore. its just finding the gamesaves that are a pain. its not that hard though
  23. but we have a post in the h3 modz section that has like a whole bunch of mods...
  24. what you could do is make it to where only moderators and admins could add rep if they see someone make a good comment on someone, or make a good post. and no -rep
  25. DiceX but thats bc you cant compete jessica alba with naruto. she is just the sexayest woman alive
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